I've got a Sony DVD drive which ive been making back up DVDs as well as data DVDS and having no trouble. Now however it sees all blank dvd R+Ws as blank CDS. Frustratingly Nero 6, sees them as dvds and will burn whatever project I assign but when putting them back in the drive the computer merely recognises them as blank CDs. Has anyone had a problem like this before? I noticed when checking the properties of the drive it says for location 0(0) whereas the E drive has location 1(0) has this something to do with it? Any help anyone could give would be much appreciated.
What operating system are you running? Same thing for me it says blank cd, i think its because XP cant burn dvds like it can cds so it just shows it as a cd, but i could be wrong. Anyways i just ignore it and proceed to burn with nero.
Yeah I am using XP. After I burn the DVDs though they appear as blank CDS. With no content on them, even though Nero said that it burn successfully.
Have you ever burned dvds succesfuly before with the same setup. Try on another computer, or burning dvd video than try playing in dvd player for example. Could be that you just got some bad dvds.
Yeah at first it was burning fine. When there isn't a dvd in the drive it's called DVD-RW Drive but when I put in one of these written dvds in it calls itself CD-Drive. But it labels the disc as DVD-Rom but when checking on properties it says that the disc has 0 bytes! Im totally confused as to why it's doing this as I haven't altered any settings. Just before the burn process starts Nero gives me the option of burning with the Sony DVD drive or something called Image Recorder, should I try burning a disc with Image Recorder to see if I get a better result?
no i dont think so. I think you just got some bad dvds, try getting some sony ones and see how that works.
I'll definatley try that. Here's something interesting though, some of these DVDs that my drive can't read I gave to a friend to see if would do the same thing and they play fine on theirs.
yup, exact same thing happened to me except i was "the friend" that got 50 free dvds, because they wouldnt burn in his dvd burner
I was looking at this list - http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm I was thinking of getting some Panasonic disks but I can't even see them on the list, think i'll try TDK.
Im a little unsure if it's the discs fault. Im going to buy new discs today and was checking what the old ones were and they were Richojpn and according to the quality guide they are quite good.