dvd encoder, what is it ?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by rtouma, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. rtouma

    rtouma Guest

    sounds like a stupid Q but as you can tell i'm kinda new at this!
    i was trying to burn a dvd but i kept getting the message that MPG2 decoding/encoding not available. What does that mean?thnks hepas :}
  2. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    it means that there is not a suitable encoder /decoder avialable for your project to be completed.

    Maybe you can explain in a little more detail as to what you are trying to do.

    Keep in mind that to be able to burn a dvd you need to have your files in an mpeg2 compatible format, so what are yours in
  3. rtouma

    rtouma Guest

    i recently got a foreign dvd from a friend and i am trying to copy it.i tried using shrink. dvd decrypter and nero but i get the message "invalid dvd navigation structure".how do i find out if the files are in a mpeg2 compatible format??? may sound dumb to you but i wouldn't have a clue :/
  4. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    try utilising anydvd with either shrink or dvd decrypter and see if that helps you
  5. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    Guyrus is right...... sounds like your DVD has encryption on it that is preventing your from copying.... using AnyDVD should solve the problem! As usual Guyrus strikes again!
  6. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    lol ihoe

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