dvd freeze up

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by mike8406, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. mike8406

    mike8406 Guest

    Im having the same problem as chuckj with freeze up on RW's. using DVDDecrypter first, then DVDShrink and burn with Nero. Burn process is either aborted or I have freeze up within the first 10 minutes of playback. Any help would be welcome.
  2. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    What brand & type media are you using?? Playback problems are usually caused by poor/cheap quality blank media. Other things that could cause that are burning too fast (higher that 4x), multitasking or surfing the net while burning, spyware or ad ware running while burning. Also shut down any programs that auto-start at bootup like anti-virus programs.
    Hope some of this helps.

  3. MovieDud

    MovieDud Guest

    @mike8406, Jerry746 gives a list of the key issues with burning, I also have noticed that RW (Re-writables) have issues. I use RW's for test burns for new progs. then use SL or DL media(TaiyoYuden, Verbs, Maxell's) for the final burn.
  4. mike8406

    mike8406 Guest

    using sony DVD/RW will try shuting everything else down before burning thanks for the tip i was starting to lose hope

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