I've been searching quite a few hack sites for dvd players while trying to locate one for my Harman Kardon DVD 48. The general concensus is that Sony models need to be chipped to change the region code, rather than using a remote hack. I have also heard of special remote controls developed just for hacking the region code. These have worked well for some. You may be able to contact Sony directly, but my experiences with their customer service and pricing has not been good. There are companies that will do the mods for you. You should be able to locate a few with a google search. You may be fine, but it may be more cost effective and less irritating to purchase a multi region unit. Here are a few sites which may provide more insight: DVD Hacks http://www.dvdhacks.co.uk/dvdhacksforum/default.asp AVForum http://www.avforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=126 Videohelp http://forum.videohelp.com/topic291314.html DVD Reviewer http://www.dvd.reviewer.co.uk/forums/default.asp?Forum=176&Type=1 I hope this helps!Good luck.