I just bought a hp dvd writer and i wanna make some copys of my own dvd. I tried to make copy but it wont let me some people said its because the dvd as protection. Is there any way i can burn my dvd on a dvd-r thx
You might want to start off checking the Guides ... see the tab at the top of these pages. Many people here use DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter, both of which are free programs and both of which have guides written for them.
The problem with hollywood films and recording is the css encryption technique used to scramble the movie. Hence the css error. DVD Decrypter will rip the movie to the HDD and remove the encryption in the process while DVD Shrink will compress the movie to the size of the store bought blank disk and as Karen stated, are free. Hollywood movie sizes may range up 9.4 GB in size and are Dual Layered disk while the DVD blanks sold in most stores are single layred and only 4.7 GB in size. ALthough Dual Layered disk are becoming more popular, but you'll need a dual layered burner as well.
What programs are you using? Depends on your burner. It would be most helpful if you were a little more specific (ie. programs and your process0, and also posting your system specs.
Flip is correct, please post more info on pc specs, dvd writer and brand of media. Most older HP DVD Writers are only compatible with +R media.
And is there any prog that can help me choose like the language, subtitle or extra crap that i wanna put on my dvd-r
Start with DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter (both are free). Check out the guides, post any questions or problems. Also, What extra crap??
Using Shrink w/ Decrypter will copy a dvd-9 to a dvd-5(movie, menus, and special features). If you re-author(edit any menus, etc...) with Shrink you'll lose the menu function.
lynnyd... Here is a DVDShrink guide that takes you through its different capabilities...and it will let you know how to do what you want to do. It is also a good intro to different terms you will hear regarding DVD backup. http://www.dvdshrink.info/guides.php A good "rule-of-thumb" is that the more you want to change the backup to your own liking, the more complicated it is going to be. I would suggest experimenting with Shrink first...and using a couple of RW's so that you can compare a number of different results.