DVD Label Images?

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by DoubleD, Sep 22, 2002.

  1. DoubleD

    DoubleD Guest

    Does anyone know where I can download DVD label images (BMP, JPG, whatever) for use in my labelmaking software?

    Ideally, I'd like to have the same image as on the original cover.

    I don't have a scanner, so it's not practical to scan my original DVD image....and I'm not sure what the quality would be, even if I did.



  2. bilkido

    bilkido Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    The best one I have found is:
    www.cdcovers.cc they have covers for all formats.
  3. HomerJ

    HomerJ Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 23, 2002
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    Be advised, it's not a good idea to stick a label onto DVD discs. Best option is to use a proper CD/DVD marker pen.

  4. DoubleD

    DoubleD Guest

    What about all those white labels made for sticking to DVDs?

    Those aren't appropriate?

  5. DoubleD

    DoubleD Guest

    Also, many of the disk images on www.cdcovers.cc are 'transparent', with the silver of the disk visible behind the letters.

    Is there a manufacturer of transparent labels?

    Thanks again,

  6. DOT

    DOT Guest

    I agree with HomerJ.

    I've tried it several times with labels from different manufacturers. Sometimes it seems to work, but when I put the labelled dvd-r in the settop for the second time, the movie stops playing.

    I think there is a problem when the dvd-r gets worm but it can't expand cause of the label on the top.

    I've heard that there are dvd-r, which have a surface that can be treated with a laser printer. But these dvd-r's are expensive and the necessary printer also.
  7. DoubleD

    DoubleD Guest

    I've heard that it's possible to successfully label DVDs if a transparent label is used.

    Is that correct?

  8. the_head

    the_head Member

    Aug 11, 2002
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    The reason why a disc with a lable does not work properly is because the lable causes the disc to be out of balance. the disc spins at such a high speed that the a little bit of extra weight on one side causes the disc to wobble.
  9. DoubleD

    DoubleD Guest

    Won't one of the label applying devices that center the label (e.g. Stomper, Neato, etc.) prevent this problem?


  10. fishtank

    fishtank Guest

    DoubleD... you can't use labels with cd/dvd's. Read the insert on most cd-r's even... they always say "don't use labels". Your discs won't play properly. I'm surprised at you DD, I'm surprised... but it seems like you won't take no for an answer, so go ahead and put labels on your discs MORON.
  11. HomerJ

    HomerJ Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 23, 2002
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    If you are really keen to have a "label" on your disc, have you considered direct printing ?

    Epson have just bought out a new printer Epson 950, however, it's not cheap, but the results are supposed to be excellant. There is a review in this months "Computer Video" magazine (available in the UK).

    There is also the Epson 2100, which not only printing direct to disc, also prints to A3 size.

  12. DoubleD

    DoubleD Guest

    Wow, fishtank....I'm hurt. Truly.

    I actually put labels on CD-Rs, both data and audio, all the time without any playback problems.

    The reason I'm willing to try it for DVDs is:

    a) I haven't heard any explanation as to why the issues of labeling a DVD (centering, label weight, etc.) would be any different from a CD. I've used Stomper for years and never had a problem with unbalanced labels. Why would DVDs be any different?

    If someone has an explanation as to why centering is more difficult with DVDs, please let me know.

    b) There are some brands of labels that are specifically mentioned as being manufactured for DVDs, leading me to believe it can't be a bad idea all the time.

    In the worst case, I make a couple labels, find out that I've now made some coasters, and end up wasting $5 in media.

    No big deal, but worth a chance.


    Thanks for the tip. I actually investigated those printers but, for some reason, the US equivalents (e.g. the Epson 960) don't have Direct to CD capability. It's tempting to buy the UK version, though...

  13. HomerJ

    HomerJ Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 23, 2002
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    Like you, I too have stuck labels on CDs with no problems. They sure do look nice.

    However, one major difference between a CD and DVD is, DVD disc spin a lot faster than CD discs. Therefore any extra weight on the disc can have a serious effect, if not perfectly centred.

    Just a thought.

  14. connor

    connor Guest

    I have raed all this horseXXXX about not putting labels on DVD's as they will have problems playing. Well I have over 300 DVD's with labels on them (I use good quality labels with a stomper) and have not had any problems with playback on any of my DVD players. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, if you guys want nasty looking hand written discs then be my guest. For me my discs not only play good but look good! I have seen many people suffer from play back probelms but most if not all is B grade media not the bloody label.
  15. DoubleD

    DoubleD Guest

    Hi connor,

    Do you find any particular brand of label better than the other?


  16. jaycee

    jaycee Guest

    For what it's worth I've got an Epson 950 and would highly recommend it. Sure it's expensive (about £350) but apart from the being able to print directly onto CD/DVD the print quality for photos is awesome and it can handle roll paper and cut your pictures to size. The choice of printable CD/DVD's is limited but they are available at quite reasonable prices. One thing to watch for though is the ink cartridges (there are 7 of them {2 black}) and cost just over £10 each.
    Before owning the Epson I used labels on both CD's and DVD's and have never experienced any problems with them. Whenever possible I bought glossy labels as they give a better looking result and got the cheapest I could get.
  17. pipster

    pipster Guest

    I just thought Id add my 10 pence worth , I didn't think cd's were absolutely spot on balanced anyway . They are not individualy balanced , just mass produced to within a certain tolerance and the label is going to be a fairly even thickness all over so as long as you get it central it shouldn't have a noticable effect .
    I have to admit with cd's I have even put them on by hand cos I'd lost my stomper and sometimes they were a mile off but they always worked :)
  18. dalboy

    dalboy Member

    Jul 30, 2002
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    I have to agree with the notion that dvd's and labels do not mix. Got myself some glossy labels and put them on my discs which then decided to not work anymore. Once I stripped the labels off, they decided to work again.
    Although cd-r's and labels appear to work fine.
  19. harvey713

    harvey713 Member

    Sep 7, 2002
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    I really don't want to get involved in the debate over whether or not labels mess up DVD play but the easiest way I know of to get original images is to go to the website created by the movie maker. OK, I know not all movies have had a site created, but a lot of them have. Get the program SnagIt and you're good to go. Don't know where to find it? Do a search.
  20. gnfishin

    gnfishin Guest

    I use the Memorex labeling system. Kit is cheap, labels are cheap and readily available, and after 60 DVD-R's with labels on them, no problems!

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