hello all i just have one simple question how long will DVD's be out i still see that they are bringing out new movies on VHS not alot of them could be limted not sure i know i seen a few new movies on VHS well i cause that's all for now just want to know how long do you think DVD'S will be out thanks
untill we all can buy the new Blue Ray players and burners and then they will think of something new that we can buy and then they will think of something newer and so on !
It will be consumers fault if Blue Ray takes off and we are forced to BUY blueray. If consumers dont BUY it then they wont make it. Simple as that. But DVD's should still be around for a long time coming.
first off ....... let's be realistic..... Blue-Ray/HD-DVDs won't take over for a longgggggggggg while...... and they are backwards compatible! Another words.... those new machines will also play DVDs! Look how long VHS has lasted..... this is the last year or production of VHS movies! I remember my first VHS machine in the mid to late 70s if not earlier! Soooooooo, AAbbccdd is correct that DVDs will be here at least for the next 20yrs, or so! Hell..... I'm just retiring my compact disk recorder! LOL Being the new machines will be backward compatible.... I wouldn't worry about DVDs fading from the market just yet. here is what Sony has to say about their new BlueRay player: The new BDP-S1 Blu-ray Disc home player from Sony offers a host of new high-definition entertainment possibilities. The BDP-S1 features 1920 x 1080p output, the highest HD signal output currently available through a HDMI™ connection. If your HD-capable television does not have an HDMI connection, you can still get the Blu-ray experience - the 1080i analog output allows for HD-capable televisions without HDMI to enjoy Blu-ray Disc features. [bold]The BDP-S1 is also compatible with standard DVDs with the added feature of 1080p upscaling through HDMI, which gives new life to existing DVDs libraries3.[/bold] full article here: http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INT...&INT=sstyle-blurayinfo-hero-BDPS1_Bluray_Disc so stop worrying about DVDs!
I think his point is to boycot HighDef. lol Guess im to late since I already have my HighDef TV and HighDef channels already.
BD and HD is already obsolete: HVD is wrapping up standardization as we speak and there are other format out there as well. That's why it's stupid to buy anything on Blu-Ray or HD-DVD anyway because you will have to re-purchase anything you buy in those formats over again in a few years.