Hello, I'm pretty new to this site and it's very helpfull. I used the search feature to find a soultion to my problem, but didn't find any threads here regarding my problem. I have a DVD that is locked to region 4 and I can't play in my DVD player. I tried using DVDXCopy, but the newly burned DVD is still locked. I tried looking around and didn't really find a straight solution to this problem. I'd appreciate it if someone would point me to the right direction.
you might try dvd region + css free that will take care of your problem. and you say that you used that program but the burn failed? well if the burn failed, do you still have the files on your syetem that have been converted? you might try ghost dvd that should work
thanks rdmercer, I actually did try that and the burning failed twice. I don't know why, but that's what happened.
steve running anydvd will make the disc region free. making the DVD playable on any DVD player .you may have to re rip the original DVD to get it to work. your best bet is to use clonedvd 2 with anydvd.use this guide for help http://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/
Ok, I used AnyDVD with CloneDVD and the DVD was burned successfully, BUT when I put it in my DVD Player, it says "DVD playback is prohibited by area limitations"! Doesn't that mean that the newly burned DVD is still locked to the region of the original DVD? It's really puzzling because I tried it on two different DVD's and still the same problem. Would someone please help.
ok put he dvd that you backed up in your drive and let anydvd read it. it should say this "Media is region free" does it?? are you sure the dvd is NTSC and NOT PAL ??? this could be causing your problem
Yes, aabbccdd, you're right. It's in in PAL format, not NTSC. And yes, it does say region free. So how do I convert it from PAL to NTSC? Thanks for your help.
thats not an easy task , do a search there are some threads on it. or i will try to find some also but iam running short on time at the moment.
There are certain dvd players such as philips, cyberhome 300 etc that can translate and play pal disks. That is your best bet. If you have a lot of pal disks that is your best bet.
thanks for your reply everyone! Actually, I only have two DVD's that I found out (thanks to aabbccdd) that they're in PAL, that's it. So I think I'm just gonna have to look for a way to convert 'em. Thanks again guys
LOl no "Adriana" is the top supermodel in the world per "Victoria Serect" more of her can be seen in my profile page. which gets visted alot around here lol