Does anyone know exactly how the security is laid out on the DVD? Is it that strange ring on the inside of the DVD. I have an idea. If that is the way that it works, I would like to try cutting the inside of an original game CD and mate it with a DVD+RW with the centre cut out. Voila, bootable homebrew. Does anyone know if that is the copy protection?
It might be to do with that but are u gonna waste a game for that and if it goes Listen: the ring on the inside of any game is different to the specific game - (thats why the swap method is not that easy etc.) Although i dont realy see how this will change anything as you are not trying to change the game to load anotherone by opening lid. ONE MORE THING - there is no way that you can made the who DVDs as smooth and perfect as they were originally. When cutting u may cut into the actual ring or the written data on the other disk! I get what ur saying though!
Even if it did work, it would be inconvenient to slice multiple DVD-Rs. Modification to the console use of software is far more convenient.
Yup. Seems like a stupd idea when modchips are so easily installed. It is too bad that there is now way to do a softmod without at least first booting from either a AR or MD disk.
soft mods arnt too bad, SDloader is awesome i store games and shit on the card like snes nes and homeberw so its pretty allright