I am having some troubles... I have made a successful DVD Movie backup but when playing it, it plays fine until the chapters near the end! - At that point I get jitters or disc failure. I made the copy in the following method: DVD Decrypter DVD2One 1.1.2 Nero 55.10.28 Media:Using Bulkpaq Generation 3 (r2) DVD-R Op Sys:Win 2000 DVD Burnerioneer DVR-A04 For play back: Pioneer DVR-A04 - Gives jitters near the end JVC Standalone - End chapters get distorted before disc read errors PS2 - Took some adjusting of the PS2 but works fine until read errors near end of disc. Tried backing up 2 or my original titles: Starwars & Matrix Can anyone help? Email me if poss also - mail@christianjackson.co.uk
Pioneer 104 DVD-RW Lite-On 165H DVD-Rom Smartripper 2.41 or DVD Decrypter 3.1.6 DVD2One v.1.1.1 Nero (sometimes use DVD Architect when needed) I have a bundle of Bulkpaq G3 Purple and have burnt movies successfully on them although I prefer to use Ritek G3 (much more compatible) You need to burn 2+ hrs films at X1 or you'll run the risk of freezing/pixelation in the final chapters ! What firmware do you have on your Pioneer 104? I have 1.31 [official] There is a 1.31 2X4ALL RPC1 firmware. I have no problem burning a previously unencrypted copy on-the-fly at X2 (on Traxdata or Ritek which are usually for most burners just X1 disc...look here http://www.blankdiscshop.co.uk/ )
Thanks for your responce... I have firmware 1.40 (official) and nero says its burning at 1x. So what other possibilities are there?
Better media would be my suggestion Bulkpaq Purple G3 DVD-R work okay on my Sony DVP-NS 305 stand alone player which plays everything though. Not everyone will be able to play these brand of media on a stand alone DVD Player IMHO