After writing discs using nero 6 my movies tend to freeze or hang about 3/4 of the way in. Can anyone help? Thanks
We need to know the exact version of Nero that you are using. What brand of media did you use? What was the rated burn speed? At what speed did you burn?
The Nero version you're using in know to be buggy. Update to Use quality media such as TY, Verbatim, (MIJ)Fuji. Keep the burn speed down to half the rated speed of the disc. Check the firmware version of your writer. Update if needed. Follow the above steps and I'm sure you'll see a marked improvement in your backups.
I would say 98% of the time when you have that problem it is due to cheaop media. Listen to members when they say get better media (TY's - Verbs) I wish i would have listned a long time ago when members gave me that advice. I had problems after problems when using cheaper media. When i started using TY's all my problems went away.