DVD Playback issues on stand alone

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by TimZDog, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. TimZDog

    TimZDog Guest

    I am new to backing up and have just started burning with CloneDVD by DVDX(a 15 day trial). The problem is that the copies work great on one player and not the other two in the house. They only show a few still frames then freeze up. All three are Cyberhome compact models. The two that dont work are 2 years old model #320 the other model #300 is new. I have tried +R DL, +R, -R. Media is Verbatim Memorex burned at X8. All of the above work in the new unit. Any advice
  2. kcc76

    kcc76 Regular member

    May 2, 2004
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    try burning at a lower speed see if that helps.

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