Hi, DVD-R Media: Verbatim 4x DVD-RW Media: Itenso 2x MPEG2 File Creator: Media Studio Pro 6.5 DVD Burning Software: Nero 5.5.10.? Authoring Software: Tried DVD-Lab and MediaStudio Pro 6.5 using Ulead DVD Plug-in. My Sanyo DVD-7201 will play authored DVD-RW but will not play authored DVD-R. The only confusing thing is that it will play ripped DVD-R (DVD ripped using DVD Shrink 3.17). Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Hawkeye63.
Are you trying to burn the same set of authored files? Somtimes I will do a test burn to a RW disc and once it checks out, I burn to a -R. I use DVD lab but do not use it's burn engine. I compile to a hard drive folder and use Nero 6. Seeing that it plays the Shrink ripped DVD, try compiling your authoring project to a location on your hard drive, then open it with Shrink and let Shrink encode it. Shrink does a pretty good job of checking for video compliancy and the output should be identical in structure to the first ripped DVD-R that played properly. I know that this will not provide a reason for the original problem, but may provide a clue or two to what is actually happening. Although you listed the programs you use, you did not state if you used, for example, DVD Lab's burn engine to make the DVD that will not play. As I said before, I do not use any method other than Nero Burning ROM to write my authored projects. There are enough variables in one of these projects. Using the same reliable burning program can eliminate a few. Burning the project should be the easiest part of the process. You have a question mark by the Nero version you are using. The newest version is http://www.nero.com/us/631933457317970.html One more thing to try is to see if your disc will play in another DVD player. That would let us have a bit clearer idea of what the problem might be. Cheers, Frank _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer computer newbie Sony VAIO Suzuki GSXR1000 [/small]
Hi Frank, Thank you for taking the time to reply. In answer to your questions, I used the same authored files for both DVD-RW and DVD-R. Like yourself, I do not use any other method other than Nero to burn to keep down the number of variables involved in the process. I am currently using version I have tried the Ulead DVD Plug-in and the DVD-lab authored DVD-R on other players and they have worked. I know it is tempting to give up but when the Sanyo plays ripped DVD-R then it looks like there could be something in the authoring process that is the problem and I would like to try and find it. I started to try the DVD Shrink idea but I didn't burn it to DVD-R because I think I went for downloading and trying DVD-lab instead, but I will try it again. Regards, Hawkeye63.