I am intrested in buying a 'DVD PLAYER RECORDER' but I have the promblem of how to choose the right one for me!!! I have all sony - TV, Cineama Surround System,DVD Player and VCR as now I would like advice - would it be better to buy same make or different make DVD PLAYER RECORDER? I have also seen a DVD PLAYER RECORDER with a hard drive in it, now then does this mean I can record on the hard drive, and then burn it onto dvd disc or can record and watch on the hard drive and burn straight onto DVD disc if I wanted too? Can a DVD be transfered onto the hard drive and burn onto a blank disc? Please Reply As Soon As Possible!!!!!!
Did you purchase a recorder yet. If not, I have a Sony I will sell to you. It is a VHS/DVD burner. I burnt all of my home movies over to DVD and don't really have any use for it now. My e-mail is mgross2@woh.rr.com