I'm a newbie when it comes to dvd burning. I burned a dvd but do you need a special dvd player to watch the dvd???
If you did a quality burn, any standalone player or computer DVD drive should be able to read and replay it.
What type of disks are you burning on, if you burn on anything other than DVD-R or DVD-R DL, you have to set the booktype to DVD ROM in order to ensure compatibility with all DVD players. If your DVD player is brand new, or very expensive, it probably supports other disks without having to use this, check the specs on your DVD player to find out what DVD formats it supports. If you are using DVD-R or DVD-R DL then you can completely ignore this.
Usually those el cheapo players, $25-$35 range play anything you throw at them. But: When it comes to stand alone players/game consoles/and pc drives-some of them can do some weird stuff when trying to play a dvd backup in them. It's all about compatability. Stand alone players were meant to play the original disc format of dvd-rom. Dvd plus and Dvd dash are totally different formats. Main thing: Quality booktyping burner and quality media. That'll prevent a lot of those playback issues and no disc errors on backup dvds.You'll get lower error backups and a higher compatability rate. Stand alone players: May like a certain format/any format/or even no format of the plus and dash r/rw/r DL. It's all about the variations between all lasers doing the reading and writing. They may even not like a certain format from 1 burner,but have no trouble with that same format from a different burner. That's why I see a lot of peeps having problems with dash backups,while their specs on their player says it'll play dash. The opposite can occur as well, Specs says it won't play dash,but it does.I don't go by what the specs are that says a certain drive will play this or that.You'll have to find out for yourself. They can even have trouble with a certain MID code. Example: Plays my Verbatim +4x mcc-002,but not my identical looking verbatim +4x ricohjpn-r01. After using 7 pc dvd-rw drives and a stand alone tv recorder,there are huge compatability differences between the backups from some brand names of burners. That's why I suggest a quality drive. Booktyping: Some burners are capable of bitsetting to booktype. Only certain burners,and only with the plus format. This booktyping alters the plus format to dvd-rom. This fools stand alone players into thinking they are the original dvd-rom format,which is the most compatable. After booktyping-you'll have an even higher compatability rate as apposed to plus or dash format. That's why I refer to quality booktyping drive like plextor/benq/lite-on/lg/and some others-but not all drives. Quality media: #1 issue of dvd burning. It helps out on compatability,and playback issues.It's the first thing that I or anyone else will ask when someone has playback issues. Quality media will It'll prevent a lot of those playback issues that swamps AD every day: Pixellation Freezing Skipping jumping No disc errors When you backup a dvd. Your dvd-rw drive should be able to play its own backups perfect-when viewing on your pc. After that,anything can happen with stand alone players. Players can be very screwy. These screwy players we refer as Picky players.It's usually those fancy/hi dollar surround sound systems and the older players that have a lot of wear and tear on them.
@Saugmon......I have an old pricy Sony surround sound player that your refered to as I guess I'm one of the lucky ones that spits everything out good! LOL Even my dreaded Philips 8631 (that most people hate because it had a lot of problems for THEM) takes on everything and is still burning up a storm! Now if I can be lucky at love!!!! LOL oh well, can't have everything!
I've helped a couple members out that had the denon systems. These were around $3000 + above systems that wouldn't play their backups.They didn't want to go out and buy a cheap player to add to their system. These denon systems specified that they play the dash format,but not the dash format from their own burners.This is why I consider burner quality a huge factor in stand alone player compatability. A $40 burner that booktyped their backups took care of that issue for them. I have similar issues with some of the crappy quality burners I have. Take my HP 640c lightscribe. My el-cheapo magnavox stand alone plays everything off my benqs,including rw and dl media. It will not recognize the plus format of Yuden000-T02 from that HP burner. Non booktyping capability for majority of HP burners = lower compatability rate. Too many errors as well on the Ty-g02's from it,so I only use it to read and do the light scribing. My benqs do all my backups,and all the plus media is booktyped to dvd-rom. The dash backups do have a harder time being recognized by some of my family and friends players. Not my booktyped backups from any of the 4 Benqs I have.
@Saugmon...... I was kidding you! I know you have soooooo much more experience than I do when it comes to back ups and compatibility issues! I value your opinion.... I'm just happy that mine was ok! LOL
Hello IHoe. I didn't mean anything by my post of high dollar players vs your sony system. I considered those $80-$100 and a little higher to be the fancier ones.Now you got surround sound systems out of the wazu. Boy was I wrong when I jumped into some of those stand alone player issues with peeps who have those denon systems. For $3000,those players better play everything I slap in them/cook my meals/do my laundry/and do everything a hooker does, LOL.