DVD Players with Built In Decoders??

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by gerry1, Nov 26, 2005.

  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I will soon be in the market for a new DVD player. I will be looking for something that plays what you put in it and that takes multiple discs as I will be using it for my CDs which I often like in random play. My AVR is a Denon 3805. I've only just started doing my homework but I've noticed something baffling: Denon and other major brands still have internal decoders in their moderate to expensive players...and my 3805 does indeed have inputs for external decoders. My queation is, WHY?? I know that most of the early AVRs which came out in the mid 90s were "digital ready" and required a DVD player to have internal decoders for digital but why would they have them now? ...why would a unit like my Denon 3805 have inputs for external decoders? ...why would a brand new, state of the art DVD player still have internal decoders? What am I missing here? Thanks guys! ... Gerry
  2. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    hey dude, can i ask why though?
    since your avr has it all, why spend the extra $$ for one with. you will not benifit from the players decoders alone, its need an amp to get what you need.
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Howdy Gear! How was your Thanksgiving? Believe me, I wouldn't have spent that kind of money on a DVD player with built in decoders unless someone could have given me one hell of a reason why I should...then it occured to me that no one could. You see, I placed that thread because I couldn't understand why they would even sell DVD players with built in decoders; I feared that I wasn't understanding something properly. Then it occured to me that selling a DVD player with state of the art decoders makes perfect sense. There must be a lot of guys out there who went out and bought expensive, top of the line AVRs four or five years ago...they still have one hell of a kick a$$ piece of equipment but decoders have come a long way in five years. I can easily see why such a guy would want to buy a new DVD player that comes with new, state of the art decoders built in. That's probably why my denon has external decoder inputs...right now, it's got state of the art decoders but five years from now?? That hadn't occured to me until after I posted. I just couldn't figure out why the hell they were putting in decoders in with the DVD player.

    I looked up your DVD player. I do want a unit that will play whatever I put in it, but I need one that can take multiple discs; I'll be using it as my CD player too and I like to put in a bunch of CDs and use the "randon play" feature and just let it play all morning. I'll keep doing my homework; won't be getting it for a couple of weeks. Take it easy guy...I hope you are well! ... Gerry
  4. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    happy late turkey day to you too........ i just got back from travels and such. it was quite hectic, black friday and all included, plus family.

    well, i guess i can't be of much help for you on a player of choice. since mine is a single loader only. i listen to music on occasion, but we watch more movies the listen to music, so i have what i have.

    but do let me know what you get anyway.
  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Hi Gear! If you see a multiple disc unit that you think is good, please let me know. If I see something that interests me, would you mind giving me your opinion if I posted a hyperlink to the product? I'm not in a big hurry; it's not like I don't have a DVD player...it's just that my CD player is dead and I'm using my DVD player which sounds a hell of a lot better than the CD player ever did. If I'm working on something, I like to put in five CDs and choose random play while I work so that I don't have to be bothered (I don't like FM much these days). Rather than buy a new CD player, it just seems to make more sense to get a unit that does both well and maybe use my current DVD player on the junk system in my bedroom. Have a good one guy! ... Gerry
  6. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    well, i would suggest then, in your case, go with anything that plays SACD too, and has your optical out for sound, and multi-channel inputs...

    i ran a google on multi disc dvd player and a few popped up, this was the first i saw that has decoders plus multi disk, give it a look. whats your budget for this player?
  7. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I've heard a lot about SACD and many of them come with it. I was looking at a couple of Denon and Yamaha but left the models at work. They seem to do a lot of boasting about DCDi by Faroudja but I don't know what that is and didn't get a chance to research it. I've got $500.00 to spend...my christmas bonus which I always use to buy myself a present(s). I'll send links to the one's I'm considering if you wouldn't mind taking a look. Have a great night! ... Gerry
  8. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    that chip is for picture quality, it enhances it more. its a scaler/deinterlacer, i have a link somewhere in here, i need to look for it, so you can see the difference. the SACD gives better sound, kinda like DTS audio. let me dig around, i am in the middle of a burn, (i know, its a nono, but i have enough memory to be able to multi-task a little bit)....
    this is not the one, i can;t find it, but nevermind the reading on it, look at the football player, thats what the chip does in a sense..

    keep in minds, its a simulated screen shot for a comparrison only.
  9. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Thanks for the explanation and the link, Gear. Seems like DCDi Faroudja is worth having. To satisfy my curiosity, I sent Denon and email this afternoon. Denon has this thing called the "Denon Link"...essentially a firewire connecting their compatible top of the line components. I told them that I was impressed and pleased with the Burr-Brown decoders and their independent configurations to the channels but that I couldn't understand why the compatible DVD players would have the identical arrangement of the AVR to which it's connected. I wonder if I'll get a reply? Strange thing though; I got one of those automated responses that they'd received the email except it identified the sender as "Marantz America" ... I didn't know they were living together! Thanks for the help and give me a yell should you come across a DVD player I should look at. I'll let you know what Denon has to say, if anything.....Gerry
  10. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    okie dokie
  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Howdy Gear! After a lot of price checking, I decided that I'm just going to get a new top notch CD player ... much cheaper than getting a multidisc super audio DVD. My present DVD player has a great pic and plays anything I put in. I wanted to save the extra space and get one unit but it's not worth the extra $$.

    By the way, Denon never answered my email; not that I'm surprised but in audiohaulics web site, they have this section on "what system should I buy" and they too pair up my 3805 with these expensive DVD players with internal decoders. I wish I new how to get an answer to my question which is, essentially, "why"? Not an essential question but I'm the curious sort when I have my mind set on something which seems strange or unnecessary ... it's my downfall at work (I don't get answers there either!).
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2005
  12. Culchie

    Culchie Regular member

    Nov 12, 2005
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    Hi guys. Happy Holidays !! I know you were looking for a multi-cd DVD player that plays "whatever you put in it" Gerry. But I'm looking for a single DVD player that will play "whatever you put in it". I would like it to play as many formats as possible, most importantly my backed-up DVDs on DVD+R media. But also files off my PC too and pics. In your shopping around, have you found any that you might like to have, if you were in the market for it ?? This is to all that has an opinion. Guess I'm looking for a good deal also. Thanks Guys.
  13. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    @ Culchie

    look into the LG LDA-511 from best buy... bout 150 bucks
    plays anything i throw at it, plus has HDMI upconversion, and has a built in card reader...

    plays wav, wma, wmv, all the mpegs, jpegs, divx, xvid, packed bitstream, all dvd formats (so far) and has firmware upgrades for the future..

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