i tried to convert my red vs blue it is in mpg format and when i convert ut wuth divxtodvd and burn it with nero not all of the movie is on the disk help plz!!
Try using Nero Vision Express that comes with the nero ste, I have never had a problem using it with MPEG or Divx or AVI formats.
Sorry, I'm not too familiar with DivxtoDVD, but sometimes the computer just needs a break, was it on a long time, or were you using a lot of your resources while you were doing it? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a DVD? Sometimes computers just take a moment and say, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if I did something completely unsuspected and then never did it again, wouldn't it be funny if my user tried for days to figure it out and never did?" As many times as this has happened to me I wouldn't be surprised.