Hi guys/gals. I am havin problems when burning anything in my pioneer 107. About a 3rd of the way through burning, xp crashes with a blue screen saying Bad_Pool_Header. Originally xp auto restarted when there was a blue screen which i change so i could see the message. I am using Datasafe 4X dvd-r media(white label silver stripe though middle) The dma is turned on and the drive is running on a seperate ide channel to my hard drive. there is also a cd writer on the same channel. Out of a spindle of 25, i have successfully burnt 3, the rest were coasters. After i eject the ones that did burn successfully, if i tried to use the drive again the blue screen would come up. I have updated the firmware to 1.16. Any ideas??? Gaz system = amd 1800xp kinetiz 7e mobo 550watt psu. plextor premium pioneer 107 2 wd hadr drives. 512mb ram XP pro
The BAD_POOL_HEADER bug check has a value of 0x00000019. This indicates that a pool header is corrupt !! This is usually caused by a bad driver. Unistall your Burner thru Devices manager and let the O/S re-install the default driver again. Check your Firmware and update to the latest -- I believe it's 1.18 -- http://www.cdfreaks.com/drive/firmware/1073
I have removed the device from device manager and the bus controllers to. I tried updating using the latest from pioneer but it has problems and stays with 1.16 I am still having the same problem I forgot to say i am using the very latest version of nero and dvd shrink. Both with the same result.
Is this a new burner you just installed yourself ? Where is it on -- Primary or Secondary IDE / Master or Slave ? Did you use the ribbon cable that came with it ? Are the jumpers in the right place in the back? Did you check the instructions manual that came with it? Did it ever work Ok? Was your Window Xp doing good before you installed ? Can you post the INFO you get in NERO ( Info Tool window) Give us something to bite on ?
I installed the drive(brand new oem) myself and have used several different ide cable, all new. Set up is IDE 1 Master :wd 160gig hd 8mb cache 7200(?)rpm Slave : WD 80gig hard drive 8mb cache 7200rpm IDE 2 Master : plextor premium 52x32X52. set on Master. Slave : Pioneer 107 with jumper set on slave. Only way i can do it with the layout of my case. The pioneer is an oem drive so it came with no cables etc as far as i can remember. As i said in the original post, out of the 25 datawrite discs that i bought with the drive, 3 worked and the rest were coasters. Xp was running fine up until that point and apart from this issue, it still is running fine. I have 768 meg or ram instead of 512 like i orignally said. i forgot i installed some a while back. I was running service pack 1 and moved to sp2 to see if that made any difference The info tool text file is here http://snipurl.com/7zge
Maybe your drive is defective !! Your log looks great ! And it seems you done it the right way ! One small thing though -- i have read here that sometimes InCd of Nero clashes and causes problems ! May be worth uninstalling it. I have Nero Ultra6 with InCd and never had a problem though. Can you be more specific on the message you get when you Blue Screen ? Bad Pool Header errors are like i said a driver going to the wrong address -- maybe if you could jot down the actual address ?
OK these are just personal opinions, but.... I never have the Burner as a Slave on another device. So I would swap those round, make the Burner the Master. Are you doing Disk to Disk? If so don't - best thing is to rip to the Hard Disk and then Burn direct from there (Defrag it first). Only other thing to check is make sure all the IDE controllers are set to UDMA in BIOS. Go into Device Manager and have a look at the IDE ATA/ATAPI driver - it should tell you what mode the drives are running in, make sure they are all in UDMA Mode2, they should be, my 106 is. If they have some crap like PIO mode then you may have a duff driver. nForce2 boards are murder for it. The latest drivers have better IDE support, should you have one. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small]I don't know what I am doing.[/small]
Sorry you have a VIA board - never heard of that brand so I wasn't sure... Driver : atapi Description : IDE/ATAPI Port Driver Version : 5.1.2600.2149 (xpsp_sp2_rc2.040610-1520) Company : Microsoft Corporation Considering SP2 is still BETA software?! Hmmmm. Not sure but I would have thought that shoulds be a VIA driver rather than a generic Microsoft driver. So maybe getting the latest VIA 4in1 drivers mught help. http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=403 _X_X_X_X_X_[small]I don't know what I am doing.[/small]
OOOOOOOps! Thanks Buxton ! Didnt notice he had SP2 installed ! ===== You are so right !! It should be removed ! "To uninstall SP2, open Control Panel and click Add or Remove Programs. Then, select Windows XP Service Pack 2, and click Remove." You may also have to use the Windows XP CD and get in the Recover Console to re-install some of the default drivers. As for the Via 4in1 drivers for your motherboard -- they should still be Ok . If not goto:- http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=300 and find your drivers there.
I am not sure what Bad Pool errors are. I think they are related to NT and drivers. There is either a bad driver or the driver is doing something it can't. Didn't know SP2 could be uninstalled. If possible I would wipe the drive and start from scratch with a fresh install. Get all the latest everything installed from the start. Who knows what SP2 will leave behind after it's removed. In fact I just checked his specs and he has two WD drives. So unless that is a RAID sytem - back all your desireables onto the other drive. Make a folder on that drive. Download all the software and drivers and save them in that folder. Re-Install XP. Whack the drivers on. Do a security update. Should only take an hour or so to finish and is almost guaranteed to solve every issue. Would also deffo swap that Burner to Master as well before doing it. And check those BIOS settings. Sh-it, sorry dood didn't see this....Only way i can do it with the layout of my case. That's a shame. Try disconnecting the DVD ROM and have the Pioneer on it's own as Master. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]I don't know what I am doing.[/small]
I'm having the same problem as HackR and I downloaded the public release from Microsoft. I have performed all of the fixes suggested here with no luck. Here's my setup: Lian Li PC-6070 Quiet Aluminum Mid-Tower Case with floppy, Abit IC7-Max3 with bios 1.2, Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz CPU, Corsair TWINX1024-3200C2PT 1GB DDR400 XMS3200 Dual-Channel Memory w/Platinum Heat Spreaders, Asus V9950 Ultra GeForce FX 5900 Ultra AGP 8X 256MB DDR Video Card, Two Western Digital Raptors running Raid 0, One WD "Special Edition" 80GB 7200RPM EIDE hard drive for storage, Sony DDU1621 16X DVD ROM Drive 40X CD-ROM, Plextor 52x32x52 PlexWriter CDRW, Sound Blaster Audigy 2, Zalman cooling all around including the blowhole and Klipsch speakers. I suspect it may be SP2 but I have heard that others are getting the newest version to work.
I wonder if XP has updates to it's built in Burning Software? And that it is clashing with Nero. You can disable it an see if that helps. Type services.msc into the START/RUN box Look for IMAPI - PROPERTIES - DISABLE IT. Also right click on your Burner in My Computer - goto the recording tab and disable Recording On This Device. Basically the in built burner is now disabled. Nero or whatever you use will still work.
all good points, but the obvious one that nobody has mentioned is this: REFORMAT!! also don't use the most cutting edge new VIA drivers, as they are notoriously unstable.....i have always dropped back one version or so unless there is a specific reason to go brand spanking new on the drivers. after reformatting, only instal the bare necessities, then try to burn and test stuff out. this is how i expose a lot of my problems. get it working, then add programs, test, add programs, etc etc etc.... SP2 actually may be helping more than it is hurting. but try it with and without - you'll see what works for you. good luck!
I think i hacve solved my problem. I had an oem pioneer and flashed it with various firmwares with exactly the same result. The 1.18 firmware was released and i tried applying it. I got an error saying a mismatch of firmware and it said something about my firmware being 00/00/0000. I search this and found a article on the firmware website i got the 1.18 from. It turns out, i had not flashed it properly when i first got it. There are 2 seperate bin files to copy to the drive. 1 is the firmware and the other is the kernal. Some oem drives require you to apply the retail kernal before applying new firmware. see this article and read the replies http://forum.firmware-flash.com/viewtopic.php?t=19017 Anyway, as soon as i applied the new kernal, i burnt a dvd at full speed and it burnt first time with no problems what-so-ever. I hope this helps you Peakman HackR
I had the exact same problem. After reading buxton's advice I checked the IMAPI service and saw that it was off. Starting the service and setting it to automatic solved my problem. Thanks all.