OK, I have a Plextor drive. (not sure of the model) Anyway I am looking for some care taking tips I can use to allow my drive to have a full long life of excellent quailty. I did do some searching but I couldn't find anything useful. So if could get some tips on taking care of my drive and getting the best out of it, I would be thankful. Thanks
Basicly, have a computer case that has filters on the fan that draws in fresh air so dust doesn't get into the drive and the computer and make sure heat buildup isn't a problem. Other than that, I don't know of anything else.
-Use good media, eg, Verbatim. Poor media/cheap media can kill your laser. -Burn @ 4-8x speed. -Keep your firmware up-to-date. -Keep it dust free. That'd do it. Anyway, it's a Plextor; they are some of the best. You're OK ;-)