I have a dvd+r dl that I'd like to make a copy of but shrink or fab decrypt doesn't work with it does anyone with experience with this type of dvd have any suggestions? thank you for any replies.
a little more info would be helpfull. like what is the dvd ur trying to make a backup of. some of the newer dvds have alot of protection on them and u will need a few more tools to go along with dvdfab and shrink. if this is the case write back. if this is a home made dvd give as much info as possible.
Sorry, It's not a Movie per se. They are training dvd's Hvac to be exact. but there are 6 dvd's copied to 3 double layerd discs. Shrink will read the first disk on each doublelayer dvd but not the second. when I try to reauthor and shrink the 2nd dvd on the DL disc it sends my pc into a fit. total lockup. thanks
well if youve got the extra cash get a three pack of dl verbatm +r media and try (dvddecrypter) reading and burning in iso mode. if u dont have the extra cash try reading in iso mode then open in shrink and process. by the way if ur getting crc read errors then u could try cleaning the disk if that doesent work then u will probably not be able to copy them. it sounds like these have already been ripped so crc is probably the cause.crc is ussually a dirty or dameged disc or a poor media was used to make the backup.dvdecrypter is the best one for crc errors ive tried so far. however if its too bad then u wont be able to copy it. here are some links .. http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/petesguide7.html ... http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/FAQ.htm ... http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/Copying a Dual Layer DVD in DVD Decrypter.pdf ... http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/1for1 copy w shrink&decrypter.pdf