So I have been fairly good with using CD burners in the past, but I recently have been attempting to use the DVD burner on my Sony Vaio FS. The Drive is a Matshita UJ-840D, and from what I hear those aren't too hot. The DVD-Rs I am attempting to use are Verbatims... The problem I am having is that all I would like to do is download small files like pictures and roms onto the disc directly. Unfortunatly the file never ends up on the disc. With CD-Rs the file goes right on to the disc. In the past I have used DirectCD wizard and that has helped me, but unfortunatly I do not have any software like that. I first believed it could be a firmware problem, but I am very unsure. I could use any help.
One more thing too...I just checked this but I have a 50 stack of discs and I have used one...but on the My Computer menu and disc properties it says all my DVD-Rs have 0 used space and 0 free space.
Hi sarfix I have the same drive in a HP laptop. No problems so far w/ it - but I don't use the lappy for most of my burning - maybe do a few cd & dvd's a month on it. So far no firmware updates at least from HP. Your using good discs and the size thing in my computer is okay. When you say they never end up on the DVD - how are your copying them? Do you have any burning software like Nero, Roxio (usually comes bundled) You could also use windows to burn to dvd too.
I just drag and drop from my computer. I don't have any burning software, and that is what I thought the problem might be as well, but if that was the case I would think I would be unable to burn CD's as well.
i have the same sony laptop with the matshita uj-840d dvd/cd writer drive, i just randomly started having problems with all DVD-R media(have tried many brands). They have worked for about a year now and all of a sudden stopped working. I have checked for updates and applied whichever ones i could fine, but there weren't many. any ideas? the drive is fine...i'm sure of it because it reads other disks
@mook1000 What software are your using to burn? What are the different types of media you have tried? Anything change pc wise since you were last able to burn?
i use dvd shrink and dvd decrypter. dvd shrink works fine. i have tried nero, recordnow, and some others so i'm pretty sure it's not dvd decrypter. when i put in the blank dvd, the drive can't recognize it. what's strange is that when i first got my laptop, dvd+r's worked fine, than one day just stopped working so i switched to dvd-r's and they worked fine. and just the other day they stopped working too so now i am stuck with nothing that works. i didnt change anything concsiously to my computer. have no idea what's wrong.
What different brands of discs have you tried? Are you getting burn failures w/ all the different burning softwares you have? If you have used Nero post your last log also. Just be sure to edit the serial # - they begin w/ 1A,1C or 5C. They can be found here: Nero 6: program files>ahead>nero>nerohistory Nero 7: program files>nero>nero7>core>nerohistory
Hey pulsar So far it's doing okay on my lappy w/ this drive - (but than again I don't use my lappy alot for burning dvd's)
Hi everyone, I also have a problem with my Matshita UJ-840D. I have an HP zd8000 laptop. When I first bought it, it worked fine on all kind of media (DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD+RW, DVD-RW). But recently I'm [bold]ONLY [/bold] able to write on DVD-RW or DVD+RW, in other words, only rewritable DVDs. I no longer can use DVD-R. I've tried to search for any firmware upgrade without a result. But I noticed that it started to act like this after a few weeks of installing daemon tools. Could that be related, because I formated my laptop 2 months back when it first gave the problem. Then it worked fine. The problem showed up again after installing daemon tools. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
i have the same's a piece of sh**. i have the same problems as u, gradually stops recognizing dvd media until it cant recognize anything. i've come to the conclusion that it is burning out. and only after having the laptop a year.