Hello, I hope this is the right part of the forum to ask this. I want to make high quality backups of some of my TV series DVD's, as I want to take those with me abroad (for a long time). I checked with DVDShrink and DVDRebuilder, and I would have to go as far as 55-60% compression (meaning I compress 40-45%, leaving 55-60%). These are series DVD's and as such have no extra's (except some stills, storyboards ... nothing that takes a lot of space). Virtually the entire disc is pure episode after episode. I was wondering, with the DVD DL's becoming more affordable, whether it would be best to buy DL's and use no compression or still stick with DVD-R and use all sorts of filters to hopefully keep a decent quality level. I'll be moving abroad for a relative long time and will probably be viewing these on a widescreen HD TV in the near future, hence my concern for high quality backups. Any hints or suggestions would be welcome!
if you really want to go the dvd dl route it would be alittle quicker just rip and burn, and it's an exact copy....but if you have dvdrebuilder what is your encoder? if it's cce then compressing 40 to 45 won't be that big of a deal, i've never noticed much if any difference when using cce to compress that much. if you use dvd shrink make sure "deep scan analizis" I think that's what it is is checked also that it's se ton sharp....you could also split your dvd9 disc you have to two dvd5s...(get close to exact copies and dvd5s are cheap)...reauther the disc w/dvdshrink if you have more then 1 title then drag as many over as you can with out using compression and back up then do the same with the remaining titles and back up, you will loose menues but chapters should stay intact and you can add extras to the end of one of the discs
Thanks for your suggestions. The DVD rebuilder I have is indeed with CCE, but I've just started learning to use it. I already tried backing up some on DVD-R with Shrink (deep analysis enabled). On my 16:9 TV screen I see no difference, but I wonder how it'll turn out on HD TV. Won't a compressed DVD-R show pixels or give a more grainy feel?
Hi If you want to use DL discs use DVDDecrypter in iso read then Imgburn to burn. Both programs are free and are made by the same guy LIGHTNING UK. If you want to use a transcoder, "shrink", for high compressed movies select deep analysis with AEC set to max smooth for the best possible picture. Using DVDRebuilder will give you a much better picture than any transcoder. Use 3 passes with cce, never do any more than that as you will gain nothing by doing more. I always use DVDRebuilder Pro with Procoder2 have a look at my test results which can be found here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/343299 look at pages 2&3
Thanks! That's a great reference to check which yields the best quality. I especially like page 3 where we can see example with high compression rates (as is the case with my DVD's). I noticed that for DVD's with less compression, the results all look very similar and close to the original. With higher compression rates (like Saving Private Ryan), there is a slightly noticeable difference between the original and the copy ... but CCE and Procoder seem to give the better results. Is my analysis somewhat on the mark?
Many people prefer cce due to it's speed and excellent picture quality, but for me and many others procoder2 offers the best overall picture, as long as you dont mind the extra wait.
Time is not so much an issue, what matters is that I can have high quality backups that can last a long time. So it'll be either be an investment in procoder2 or into DVD DL
If it is only for a few movies invest in some DL media, that way you get a 1:1 copy, for that use DVDDecrypter in iso read then Imgburn to burn. Note: you will need a program to handle the latest movie encryptions, for this you can use DVDFab Decrypter free or anydvd from slysoft, you get a 21 free day trial. EDIT: only buy top quality media like Taiyo Yuden and verbatim
go with DL+r verbs, and a good upconvert dvd player. be sure to book type to dvd rom for compatability. both dvddecrypter(imgburn) and clone dvd2(and ripper in anydvd) preserve the original layer break, so i would recomend them. with clone2 u will need a booktype utility to get dvdrom.dvd rebuilder is a close second. be sure to watch the original to make sure its woth a DL or the use of dvdrebuilder, some are not.
I feel that DLs have come down enough that it's feasible to back up a $40 collection with $6-$8 in discs. A couple months ago, I wouldn't have said that, but now, if you shop around or wait for a sale, Verbatims can be had for $2 each and Fuji (RITEKD01 or RICOHJPN) even less. Ulitmately, you will have to decide what quality degradation you will accept, though most people seem to think that CCE/RB or many other shrinking methods have little noticeable effect unless you have a montster TV.