I recently figuered out how to burn DVD's on my computer and was excited that it was completed! When I brought it home and tried to play on my DVD player it wouldn't play...the DVD player I got supposed to play DVD+R discs...I was able to play it on the computer and on my PS2 system. Is there something wrong that I did when I burned the copy? is there a difference between DVD+R and DVD-R?
What programs did you use to acquire your backup and what format is the DVD movie in? There is a difference in +R and -R, have a read: http://www.supermediastore.com/beginner-in-dvd-corner.html
I used DVD Shrink, ImgTool Classic and DVD Dycryptor to back up the disc. I am not sure what format the movie it is in but it is Region 1. Thanks for the link, it is quite informative. I was asking because I wondered if one had features than the other that hindered my playback of the disc. Unfortunately my DVD burner can only recognize DVD+R. So I was wondering if it was a lost cause in burnin DVDs on my computer. I was reading further in the other threads and one said that some DVD+Rs can not play on certain machines and that I should try a different brand. Do you have any suggestions on what brand I should get...there are so many out there and I don't want to keep on getting discs that I can not use!
I don't really know why you are using Imgtool, seems to be an extra step to me...If this is a rip directly from a disc, you should try DVDFab Decrypter. It is a free program and is updated often to cope with the new encryptions. You then proceed with DVD Shrink as usual and then go directly to DVD Decrypter or Imgburn (DVDD without the decrypter part). Furthermore, if your burner is capable of being bitset you can booktype those +R DVD's to be more compatable with more stand alone players. What brand, model number and current firmware are you using with your burner?
I will try that program you suggested. I have to get back to you about the model number I know that is TEAC, it is the computer at the office and I am not there right now. I am not sure what is firmware...I am an novice at this, please help...thanks
Open DVD Decrypter, go to Tools, Drive, Capabilities...the top line will be your burners model number and firmware version. I'm not familiar with Teac drives, so I'm not sure if booktyping is going to be an option for you with DVD Decrypter.