I recently dl a video in vob format or in dvd-r format, I first tried opening in dvd shrink and burned it didn't work in my dvd player, then I tried usind nero to burn and got the same result. I know its not my dvds because DVD to DVD-r works every time. I'm baffled. Any sort of help would be appreciated.
dvd shrink DOESNT have a burn tool it either burned with nero or dvddecrypter , which one? will it play in your PC? what brand of DVDs are you using? how fast are you burning them?
Was the DVD PAL or NTSC and what format does your DVD player use? It could be your trying to play a PAL format on an NTSC DVD Player. You also didnt answer the question on what media your using to burn to. This can also effect the outcome of the DVD when trying to play it on your standalone. All you said was (dl a video in VOB format or in DVD-R format). You need to be more clear at what you have. What does the DVD directory look like? Do you have a VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folder? Is this an ISO file? Are they just VOB files in no VIDEO_TS folder? How are you burning the files? you said you used Nero but how did you use Nero to burn the files? Did you use burn data disc option? DVD-Video option? The more information you give us the better.
It has the video_ts no audio_ts folder, i used image burning in nero one of the options was burn dvd video files and I opened the video_ts folder and burned it. I would have no idea if it is PAL or NTSC is there a way to check. Oh yea I'm burning at higher than what is said to use but my DVD's have never really been effected by it.
Ok try this and see if it plays in your DVD player. Start nero burning ROM and choose DVD in the pull down menu then choose DVD-Video in the list then click on new. Next go to the VIDEO_TS folder that has the files in it and then to the right highlight all the files in that folder. Then drag them to the left to place tham in the VIDEO_TS folder that nero will creat. Once you drag the files over click on burn and burn the disc. It should be complient with your DVD player at this time.
One last question then I'm done, I read that something with Nero Recode, I was looking around I looked in the "info" and the info about the Resolution it said PAL 720x576, I'm not sure if that it means the dvd is PAL. Just being careful because I've gone through 2 dvd's dont want to loose another one to stupidity. Thanks for taking time to put pics.
If it says it is PAL then it more then likly is PAL format. To convert it to NTSC you can use Nero Vision Express. Start nero vision express and choose DVD_VIDEO under make DVD option. Now if you have this on disc you could put the disc in and have it import the disc into nero vision. Or you could import the VOB files using the add video files. Now once you get the files or disc imported in go to the bottom and click on (MORE>>) a dropdown menu will apear when you click MORE>> now click on (VIDEO OPTIONS) Now in the drop down menu for VIDEO MODE make sure you select NTSC. Then click next and folow the directions. You could get a message that says (more of your video files is PAL format would you like to change video mode to PAL) When you see that error choose no you dont want nero vision to switch the video mode to PAL keep it NTSC.