dvd+r to dvd-r

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by creagh, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. creagh

    creagh Guest

    ok i just got a file that need burning ya, and all the shops are closed cause its very late where i live now and tomorrows a bank holiday so im basically fucked.
    Im just like wondering does any one know if i can convert my
    _NEC DVD+RW ND-2100AD 106F
    to a drive that can burn -R's.
    i have a few of thoses -R's left form an old broken external drive.

    in short can i convert it from dvd+r to dvd-r
  2. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    There is something you can do but it is rather advanced for someone that is not experienced in the area..

    You can cross flash your 2100A to a 2500A, which supports Dvd-r disks.

    See this page for nifo and the tools to do it..

    Get back to me with questions...
  3. creagh

    creagh Guest

    ok i tried it and it loaded up that file i selected my drive then selected 2500a and it said it was converted. but basically nothing happened. it still cant read dvd-r's. do i have to upgrade the firm ware for it again to like finalise the conversion
  4. creagh

    creagh Guest

    ok yeah it does have to be upgraded and i got the .bin file for the upgrade but havent a clue what to do cause the last time i upgraded the firm ware it wasnt in .bin format (it was like an offical dell firmware)
    so what to i do with the .bin file
  5. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    OK so what you have to do, is use conversion tool, then flash with 2500A firmware after conversion....

    With a bin file you have to flash it in DOS mode.

    See this website for info

    Get back to me.
  6. creagh

    creagh Guest

    ok i dont have a floppy drive. but i think i can get firmware that isnt in .bin format will that do? or will it like destroy my drive
  7. creagh

    creagh Guest

    and its like the oldest firmware available for the 2500, its 1.06 i got it from "the firmware page"
  8. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Last edited: Nov 1, 2006
  9. creagh

    creagh Guest

    ok now i have the firmware and know what im doin but the firmware exe cannot pick up the 2500. i did the converter thing again and tried to the firmware but i get a warning box "Target NEC ND-2500a is not found correctly"
    any ideas?
  10. creagh

    creagh Guest

    maybe i could try the older firmware and then after the conversion is finished do the latest firmware
  11. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    That is why you have to DOS flash it

    Use the link above about it.
  12. creagh

    creagh Guest

    so im fucked really cause i dont have a floppy drive. but thanks a load for helping me. i suppose ill just go to the shop and buy some +verbatiums, ill just give those discs to one of my friends. thanks again.
  13. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Ok then, sorry, you might want to convert your drive back too. Dont know if it makes a difference if you havent flashed it with 2500A firmware but...i dunno.

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