I would say most important when using XBox as your player ... use compatible media. http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers.php?DVDname=xbox&Search=Search&country=&orderby=Name And you could be a little more specific. Posting your specs helps. There are many ways to do dvd backup. A good place to start is get DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter (both are free), then check out the DVD Shrink guide.
My unmodded XBox plays any DVD-R I've tried, so far. I've burned with Nero, TMPGEnc DVD Author and Clone DVD. There are lots of guides around already to tell you how to use these tools.
Hi thanks for the replys I'm using datawrite yellow 4X discs and I think the problem is actually the region I've been using roxio DVD Builder to author the dvd's and it seems to make region free discs which the xbox doesn't like. It says your dvd remote region is invalid, wierd or what.
Cecil, If you can use Shrink w/ Decrypter(ISO files). But your pc needs to be using the NTFS file system to use ISO's bigger than 4GB. Using this combo will make your backups region and css free