I bought LG DVDRW and it says that i can DVD-RAM record. What is that and why would I need it? It is also capable of LightScribe. Is there any software for that option? How do I write something on LS enabled DVD-R?
Hello. DVD-RAM is an older dvd type/format. Some standalone dvd recorders can use it. By and large few use the format and most burners and standalone players can not recognize and play it. One burns data to a lightscribe disk with the same software as any other DVD. Special software is necessary for doing the lightscribe burning however. Nero supports it. I don't use lightscribe so others will have to add to this. Did your burner come with software? If so, it likely has some lightscribe burning enabled. I don't use it because the LS media is more expensive. I'm not sure I answered your question adequately. Post back if you need help on backing up DVDs in general.
http://www.lightscribe.com/gettingstarted/index.aspx read all about it! You can use Nero 6.6 or SureThing LightScribe enabled!