Hi, I have Dvd Rebuilder 1.04 pro + CCE 2.70, I been using this avs script to backup my DVD. ------------ Import("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\convert60ito24p.avs") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\LeakKernelDeint.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\undot.dll) LeakkernelBob(order=1, threshold=7) convert60ito24p(2,0) ChangeFPS(24) aSharp(0.4,0,0).aWarpsharp(3,1,bm=3,cm=0,thresh=0.99) DeGrainMedian(mode=2) undot() ------------ This script give me excellent quality, but I been having problem with audio out of sync ( about 2s or so ). Anyone know how to fix this problem? Much appreacite!
just out of curiosity, why haven't you updated your Rebuilder Pro? the current version is: 1.09.2! and if you got the pro and checked off NOTIFY ME WITH UPDATES then you should have gotten an email saying there is a new version to update to. maybe all you need is an update.....
I'm not sure but I think the 24 fps will most likely throw the video out of compliance as dvd rebuilder will most likely reassemble the audio w/ the flags as having been authored @ either 25 or 29.97 (PAL or NTSC) if my theory is correct try removing lines 1,5&,6 see if the problem goes away and if the quality is still excellent? also get the newest version well worth it to upgrade/update imo.
@L8ter....... how many backups have you done? You seem to be the Expert RB guy here! I just allow it to do the great job it does with CCE! And glad of it! keep up the great work!
I updated to 1.09 once, but the sync is even worst.. like 4s instead of 2s. I'll try to give that a try later on tonight when i go to sleep. I've been backingup my dvd for about a years now.. always goes with DVDRB.. recently I tried to compress 3 dvds into 1 so filter will make the quality even better. Just dont' know why this time I got a sync problem. I have a friend that also do this and he said it might be do to newer version of DGdecode. Anyone know how i can downgrade my DVDRB to 1.03? Or does anyone know where I can get 1.03 from? Thank you very much for help.
@qt4eva is your source pal or ntsc?? is it interlaced?? @ ihoe thnx4that but I'm just a self taught student
if you are using rebuilder's built in avs options setting to disable interlace that should be sufficient to do what you want the lines 1,5,&6 to do same concept it appears, only your script attempts to work w/ PAL sources/output's but both should not be needed?!? arnie, no you can not have my bud light lol
So if I understand you correctly, you think I should etheir enable interlaced or remove line 1,5,6?? or you think I should do both.
if you are looking to get ntsc output I would most definately remove the lines from your script, I personally never disable interlaced but then again I'm a procoder fan so it's not a problem to me. just experiment w/ them I'm not trying to say this is what you should do, none of us should ever do this as it stifles new discoveries, but I am giving you some options that may help w/ what ails you. good luck and I hope this get's you up to date version 1.09.2 currently
w/ the new rig and the abbility to do dual instances of procoder 2.04 I've got ccesp2.70.01 3pass beat!!!!!! two pass shows a little speed increase but the output is usually worth it in my opinion. I've neglected to post this as I've not done a full set of comparison's but I'll tell you I got harry potter G.O.F. done in 107 min's do-si-doed (three stepped) in mastering quality
since we are off topic any who here is a couple screenshots not to big of a difference here this was a simple encode, high bitrate (right up cce's alley)title "red eye" exact same setting's the first link is cce sp 2.70.01 3 pass>> http://img472.imageshack.us/img472/7305/redeye3pass7ll.jpg the second link is procoder 2.04 mastering quality>> http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/6880/redeyepc23ko.jpg *note these are just encode times,add maybe 15-20 min's to get full 3step times building iso's
I"m guessing they can't be far off I know what's under your hood I'm wondering where our friend qt4eva has gotten off to I was actually wondering how it all turned out????