trying to burn dvd and i get an error runtime error 52 bad file name or number. can any one help? i am useing anydvd as a decrypter should this be allright to use with it
I had the same problem when it came to burning after using Re-Builder. I ran the DVD files through DVD shrink just so it would re-cache the files and it worked fine. Try that and see if it works.
ya tryied that but dvdshrink came up with a different error but thanks for trying and replying carnt seem to get any decripter to work get a part of the way through and errors come up
What movie are you trying to do? What version of AnyDVD are you using? Have you tried any other decrypters like DVDFab HD Decrypter?
i just tryied that and now it comes up psl file was not imported sucessfully it uses dvd decrypter so what do i do now i tryed to reinstall dvd decrypter can u help
for any dvd's that RI4M coundn't handle, I was able to rip with the latest version ( of dvdfab hd decrypter I would then run the folder through FixVTS to thoroughly clean it up.