Hi i just downloaded a manfred mann earth band live preformance in germany. The video is very rare and its no officialbut i convertthe avi source to dvd avi2dvd and obtein a very acceptable quality. Ive been reading a little abuot dvd rebuilder and avisynth filtering and i thin maybe is posible to "increase quality" I think maybe in this forum i should get some guide o reference to begin my work. If anyone can help me thank very much and if not thank too.
filters are usually used to fix out put! what kind of degredation has the video suffered there are certaion filters that apply to blockiness, some that apply to pixelation in highly contrasted area's (mosquito noise,sharpness here is a large list of flters available for avisynth http://www.avisynth.org/warpenterprises/ let us know and we can try and find a filter to suit your needs! filters can also be applied manually in avi2dvd but rebuilder makes this childs play!