what is the best stuff to check off to make the best copy of a dvd? Ps: what is bit rate? and should I have it checked off?
so shoud i have "enable bitrate redistribution" checked off? and if so should i check off "apply redistribution to all VTSs (serie)" too?
well i dont think i am right now i do have enable bitrate redistribution enabled. ok ill jus tleave it alone if u think it is best
i burned vacancy and it froze into spot but then it kept going so shouldi enable thos things? or not? so shoud i have "enable bitrate redistribution" checked off? and if so should i check off "apply redistribution to all VTSs (serie)" too? psi do got "enable bitrate redistribution" checked
lol i use DVDFab Platinum 3. can you please just answer this question someone. what is better 1. if this is checked "enable bitrate redistribution" 2. if this is checked "enable bitrate redistribution" and "apply redistribution to all VTSs (serie)" 3. if this is checked "enable bitrate redistribution" and "apply redistribution to all VTSs (serie)" and "Allways use HC for Redistribution Pass" Or 4. none of the above Ok so can you just tell me what number upabove is better plz? im useing (ProCoder3)
DVD RB by default has a value of .5 which limits a bitrate reduction (in redistribution). This significantly decreases the probability of getting values that are too low in dark scenes. As for the other options, I honestly don't know. I suggest you experiment a little and tick apply redistribution to all VTSs. Also, try using HC encoder along with DVD RB. Don't quote me on this because I've personally never tried this software; but I think it should help with your question about bitrate. If my suggestion fails and you still get the same problem with Vacancy, seek other apps in your arsenal...