DVD Recorder Advice please

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by Mutant04, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. Mutant04

    Mutant04 Guest

    Hi All

    I've been thinking about getting a DVD Recorder for some time now, and have been looking around.

    The one I have in mind is the [bold]Lite On LVW-5045[/bold]. To me this looks a nice machine, with it 160Gb HDD and the possiblity to write to All Media.

    I do however have a couple of questions that I can't seem to find the answers to. I hope someone out there can help me out.

    1. Can you set up the DVD recorder to recorder a program on the HDD, and then watch a DVD while its recording?

    2. Is it possible to set up the DVD Recorder to record from a Freeview box?

    Again I hope these questions can be answered. Also if anyone has any other recommendations other then the LVW-5045 then that would be great.

    Thanx in advance.
  2. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    I don't have a 5045, but I have 2 5005 recorders (no HD) LiteOn makes a great machine for the price ... I will steer you towards two LiteOn forums that you may find informative ...


    ... and a review
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2006

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