Hi, I'm thinking of adding a DVD recorder to my TV setup which includes a freeview top box and a DVD player. I will be removing the VCR and replacing this with the DVD recorder. If possible could anybody give me the best way of connecting these up? Many thanks, Marty.
Marty91 You don't say what your equipment setup is. or the equipment connections. In the setup you had was the VHS working to your satisfaction? Does the DVD and VCR have sinilar connections? If So the DVD should fit right in it's place
You want the best input source for your DVD recordings, so cable box output (preferably S-video or component) directly to DVD recorder, then output picture to TV from DVD recorder. If your cable box has multiple outputs (mine has component, S-video, and composite), then connect cable box using component and S-video to DVD recorder and TV respectively. Do not use splitters for video, but you may need a Y-adapter for the audio.