Brought this dvd recorder back from storage and trying to hook it up to the tv. Cant seem to get the display showing, read the manual and folowed the instructions but still did not get a display. I have the ant cable coming from the wall to the cable adapter, I do not have a cable box, the adapter is working fine for receiving the tv signal. Then I have the ant from the cable adapter to the dvd recorder, and the dvd recorder to the tv. Then I had the AV out - R + L audio + Video connected to the tv on input 1 Am I doing something wrong? Shouldnt I atleast get the display of the DVD recorder?[ Pics: avsforum[dot]com/t/1512830/hooking-up-samsung-dvd-r-130
Select the proper input on your TV? If you have done that and still no go, probably the recorder is kaput.