Hello, This has prabably already been answered but I can not find it. I am looking for a DVD recorder to replace my VCR. I would like to have on screan menue Etc. just like my VCR. Was looking into Panasonic until I found a post here stating that they do not work with re writable disks. I will be using these types of disks primarly. I also read that disks made on some machines will not play on other machines.This does not work for me. I am not using HD so I just need something pretty simple in regards to a recorder just want a clean and clear picture with the features I am looking for. Any recomendations would be highly appreciated? How long can a standard single layer DVD record? Thank you, Mrbear
I really like my LVW-5005 LiteOn recorders ... This is a fact of life and if you want to use a DVD recorder and RW discs, you'll have to live with it. Most newer players will play them. From 1 to 6 hours .. but the quality suffers when you record more than 2 hours on a disc A review of the LiteOn: http://www.cdrlabs.com/articles/index.php?articleid=29 A good place to buy it: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16882101305&ATT=82-101-305&CMP=OTC-pr1c3grabb3r