I'm trying to backup my Full Metal Alchemist episode Disc 1. DVD-RB reports Angles / Interleave. The FAQs indicated that DVD-RB won't handles these and to remove them first. I see the angle tab in DVD Remake Pro but I feel ultra-newbie vexation.. is there an easy removal method that's escaping me? Please point me at some nice RTFM linkage thanks
as far as angles if your using dvdd then that will take care of the angles under settings menu in file mode tab you can enable multi angle processing then theres a box to select what angles to keep! as far as interleaving you can use this feature in rebuilder! under options menu select avs options> advanced avs options> disable interlace> then select which or all vts segments to remove interlacing from! that's what I do! l8ter!
thanks. Is "Interleave" the same as "interlace"? I'm not seeing the option you indicate for DVD Remake Pro 3.1.x
I did not refference remake at all I don't use it personally I told you how to remove each through means that I have used! Interlaced : Interlaced is a video storage mode. An interlaced video stream doesn't contain frames (pictures as we know them) but fields with each field containing half of the lines of one frame (all even or all odd lines). Interleaving : a value on how often the audio and video streams in one file are "synchronized".Method used to ensure the audio matches the video and visa versa this is where I got confused but to answer your ? no they are not the same!
Both the freeware and the Professional Edition of DVD Rebuilder will handle angles/interleaving. They do it differently, though. The freeware version will copy those sections intact -- but cannot reencode them or reduce their size. That usually doesn't make a lot of difference, because those sections are normally small. There are a few discs, however, that use extensive interleaving. The freeware version can't do those. The Professional Edition reduces the in angles/interleaving just like it does the rest of the video and can do those discs as well. Using DVD Decrypter to remove the angles can cause problems because Decrypter doesn't update the IFO files with the new positioning information after the interleaved sections are removed.