DVD Ripped Audio

Discussion in 'Audio' started by gallagher, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. gallagher

    gallagher Regular member

    Aug 20, 2005
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    I ripped the audio from Napoleon Dynamite so I can listen to it in my car. Worked great. But I had to fit it on to two CD's.

    Anyone have a program or method to lower the quality so it can be on a single CD? Thank you. I know how to do this for DVD copying on Nero, but not on CD.
  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    if it is a standard audio CD (not mp3 cd), then no. audio CDs contain uncompressed PCM audio on them, and you cannot alter its bitrate or size to fit more data onto it. you do have a few options though. if you only need a few more minutes, you can try doing an overburn if your burner and software (like nero) supports it. You can usually fit about 5 more mins on an 80 min audio CD. The other option is to get a 90 minute CDR from www.allmediaoutlet.com. Other than that as far as audio CDs go those are your only options, unless you convert them to mp3 CD.

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