I have a NEC DVD RW ND-3550A & SONY DVD-ROM DDU1615. Just today they started running slow, They were reading a dvd at 13 Minutes, and today they started slowing down to 50 Minutes. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what might have happened. Im thinking since they are both going slow it has to do with a conflict of programs/drivers. I have CloneDVD 2 W/ Anydvd, and DVD Fab Platinum. Tried reading on both programs and it has the same outcome 50 Minutes or so. I also have Nero Preminum 7. ~DMA Is enabled through Device Manager ~I have Windows XP HOME Service Pack 2 Any help would be much appriciated. Thanks Alot.
Try doing a defrag, virus scan, spyware scan and a reg clean. Is this just one movie, could just be protection on that disk. Use the AnyDVD built in ripper and see if this will rip faster. Right Click on the redfox in the tray, choose DVD rip to HDD and make sure you check the box to repair the blank/unreferenced cells. You can also try a system restore to back before you had the problems.
Yeah i will try just that, I was messing around last night and it was saving the temp file to my External HDD, Im thinking after i save it to the harddrive on my computer it will go faster. And if that doesn't work I will try a system restore. After i deleted nero 7 (sucks) it started running faster by 20 mintues. As far as trying more than one movie, I've tried 3 or 4. Thanks for your help, when i get home from work I'll try what you suggested and report back.
You might also want to check that your drives haven't slipped into PIO mode, all drives should run in DMA. Here is a guide, courtesy of alkohol: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/260038
I have done everything I can think of. ~Defragged ~Virus Free ~Spyware Free ~Registry is cleaned ~Uninstalled then Reinstalled IDE Drives ~DMA Is Enabled (For Sure) ~Did a DVD Rip to HDD With AnyDVD and it still takes this long. ~Did system restore, but didn't change anything. Got this Dvd Burner about a 1 week ago i did that. Any other suggestions guys? Im Desperate. Thanks
Are you sure you have it installed correctly, ide cable seated tight, jumper settings are correct for your computer?
Well if it wasn't right, Which im pretty sure it is. Why would it have worked for about 7 burns and then all of a sudden stopped working? And yeah I had the burner as the master then the dvd rom as the slave. And since that didn't work any longer after it jumped to 40 minutes a read, i changed the dvd rom to master and dvd burner to slave. And it still does the same thing. I also tried changing it to PIO mode to see if that was the reason, but after i did that, i noticed it was going to take 120 minutes. So i changed it back to DMA and it cut that in half or more. I was thinking that if I installed everything it should work again. But it doesn't. Maybe their is a driver conflict or something, but i deleted all the programs i added on after i installed the burner and reader. **** One thing I saw when i had neroinfo tool, i looked at my ASPI for my system and it said they were corrupted. I tried updating them and it stills says they are corrupted. But i noticed this when the reader was functioning properly, and i thought nothing of it since it was working. How should i go about updating it? Do you think if i reformat i will get it going back to how fast it was before? Or is that just a waste of time
Aspi should not be an issue for an interphase as XP and other programs use SPTI, Clone will use use its own Elby and DVDFab Platinum uses Patin Couffin. You can do a clean of the Aspi if you want which will get rid of the corrupted files. http://radified.com/ASPI/forceaspi.htm As bad as reformats are they can cure a lot of problems. It is up to you if you want to do it, but at this point it cannot hurt and everything will get cleaned out.
Alright, It has to be hardware related. I formated my computer. That would make it have to be the IDE cable correct? Im not to familuar with hardware related things, hopefully someone else can help. Thanks
I have formatted my computer, got an 80 wire IDE Cable, (alittle improvement) but still not as fast as it used to be. What could possibly be causing the problem of my drives both slowing down to 30 minutes a read. Anyone? Please Thanks in advance.