nearly everytime i insert a blank disc into my dvd rw it crashes the system it never used to do this i have tried changing dvd drives but it seems to make no diference its doing my head in anyone got any ideas??? i have posted before but with no joy! help please!!!!!
Have you tried reinstalling your OS? (lsst option to try) Use WinXP Device manager and uninstall your drive. Restart. Does the system crash when you insert a burned DVD? Are you running the same program everytime you insert a blank when it crashes? I think we need a lot more info about exactly what you're doing when this occurs.
So the system doesn't crash when you insert a burned DVD? It reads and replays commercially pressed DVDs? Does it crash when running any other program like DVD Decrypter or DVD Shrink? Use WinXP Device Manager to uninstall the drive: Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Hardware tab -> Device Manager button Click on the "+" beside DVD/CD-ROM drives to expand. Select the DVD burner. Select "Uninstall" from the Action menu or by right clicking on the DVD burner name. Restart the system. Next: Uninstall Nero by downloading and running the Nero General Clean Tool: (Be sure you have your Nero serial number onhand) Download and install Nero
does not crash when using other programes. i only use the drive for burning have other drive for watching films etc.
It's probably a corrupted Nero causing the problem. Uninstall and then reinstall Nero as described above. Don't install the newest Nero 6, as it has some issues. Use the latest known stable version I linked to Also do not install InCD. It is a potential trouble maker.