ok this probley gets brought up a lot in this section. i have been trying to find original firmware on the hp 300i/ nec 1100a does anyone have this? i need the original because i moved it from one computer to another and i didnt remember to transfer the firmware to the other computer.
did you try the firmware page? http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/...softwareitem=pv-17892-2&jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN this is on the HP website!
if you have your installation disk for that drive then it has the original firmware that came with the drive. I don't understand why you would need it, because the firmware update that is availble now is more than adiquate and will have the up-to-date information for your drive! And that's what you really want! Just my 2 cents!
maybe it's old and needs replacement........ nothing lasts forever and when you did a firmware update it might have worked for a while but trying to put an older firmware back into the drive could have corrupted the drive and thus..... new is better....... there are plenty of newer drives that will work much better than what you have! and for less than a spindle of blank DVDs you can get a brand new drive!!!!! Get a Plextor, Sony, Pioneer, LG, etc...... anything is better than what you got going for you now!
Hi Their! If you look in my signature you will find Binflash, click on that and scroll down to firmware, this is for NEC and will give you original and some advanced firmware, which is even better.