I can burn +and-RW's on my DRU-820A sony burner, but my -RW's won't play in my dvd player, but my dvd player say's it reads that format, and suggestion on settings and such. My burner is set in the "DMA if available" mode
Sometimes just changing brands of disks will make a difference. Some media is of better quality than other. You should also check for a firmware update for your burner. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php I'm pretty sure your burner is actually a BenQ 1670 burner but I don't know if it'll accept BenQ firmware. The Sony firmware stops at version 1.0b. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2237
I'm using Maxell DVD-RW's, now my DVD+RW's are playing just fine. and when I record on the -RW's on the stanalone unit itself they playback fine
So it's just -RW burned on your computer's DVD burner that won't play in the standalone. It happens that way sometimes. Do -Rs burnt by your computer play in the standalone? I guess if changing brands or updating firmware doesn't solve the problem, I'd just stick to using +RW media. You might try burning the -RW media at a slower speed and see if that helps as well. Are -RW media burnt by your standalone recognized by your computer drive?
in fact the -RW's will play in my PS2, just not my standalone. I'll check my "make compatible" option on my burner. I just realized that one of my discs does have a burned movie on it, King Kong. It must be something with burner settins. Any idea there.
it's not the burning settings. Sometimes switching to a different disk will make your burner's write strategy will change. It might take time for your burner to figure out the correct write strategy for that disk. I stick with one type of disk that works for me and go from there but I only use Taiyo Yuden brands/manufacturer ID. Sometimes it take over 10-15 burns for the drive to get used to that disk.(so I was told by a member that knows alot). Anyway, I always thought that the firmware is where it starts and go from there, but found out that some burners take awhile to learn the disk. Then again if you change to a different manufacturer for your -RW that could be the key to success for your drive might just be more comfortable with that different disk than the one you are using. And your stand alone player might very well play that newer disk than the older -RW disk. the settings your are referring to (making the disk more compatible) would be booktyping and that's only done to +R/RW media where it can be written on to fool your player that it is playing a DVD-ROM(store bought DVD). The -R/RW disks already have writen in that area so you can't booktype that kind of media! And your drive has to be able to do booktyping. those Maxell disks could have 2 different manufacturers ID: Maxell DVD-RW 2x (MCC 01RW11n9) Maxell DVD-RW 2x (TDK502sakuM3) the MCC is good .... the TDK is a not so good. which is yours? use DVDIndetifier or Nero Infotool or DVDInfo Pro to find out what manufacturer's ID your disk has. Your Sony Drive might be a rebadged BenQ drive like my Philips 8631 is and can be booktyped to make all your +R/RW media to DVD-ROM that makes it more compatible to players.: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_result.php?kaj=1&isces
thanks IHOe I think it is the media too. The disc King Kong was on worked in my standalone with a new title on it. so some discs work and some don't, but all play in my PS2 so I think it's bunk media. will try a different brand and see where it goes from there.