im trying 2 shrink the movie " Memoris of a Geisha" and on dvd shrink when i try 2 open disc i get this window saying... "DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue Invalid DVD Navigation structure" N i tried already cleaning the dvd... how can i get this 2 work...any ideas would b great.. thnx guys
Shrink alone cannot handle the encryption on this movie, dl the free ripper DVDFab Decrypter and rip the disk to your HDD and then process with Shrink. Get it here
ok i did the start n finished from the dvdfab decrypter...n now what... cuz i try 2 open disc from shrink n it still dont work... can u give me guide lines on how 2 do this ? thnx
Try ripping the movie again. But this time don't multitask and surf the net while it's going. Close all other apps. If Shrink won't open files, run the files thru DVD Decrypter and see if Shrink will open it. Decrypter here along with guides:
If you are still having problems with the file after using DVDFab Decrypter then run it through the free program VobBlanker which will blank out any suspect cells. Here is a guide using these programs Get program here