right now i am using dvd shrink and dvd decrypter. One it is done shrinking, decrypter automatically starts. I heard i can also use dvd shrink and nero6. What are the steps for using dvd shrink and nero? will nero start automatically after shrink? please help. thanks
I assume you mean that decrypter automatically starts to burn right? You can you Nero and Shrink to work together. It just the matter of ticking a single box. This option is under Edit>Preferences>and is under the I/O tab.
mine is checked. however i decryt mine first then use shrink. previously shrink always automatically went to nero and asked me to insert disk. now all of a sudden i get a box that states something to the effect of that shrink has completed its job now it is ready for you to use your burning software. I just don't understand, i've been burning dvd's for a year exactly as i stated above, and shrink always automatically went to nero!
That is probably b/c you have decrypt image file selected. If you scroll down this box you will see that you have it checked to burn w/ decrypt image file, you should have it selected to you burner's name, for example I have lite-on. I don't have decrypt so I can show you what you are doing.