I used the DVD Decryptor then DVD Shrink approach to try and burn my first backup DVD, Grandma's Boy. The unedited version I'm trying to burn is 4900mb roughly not shrunk. I reauthored it, removing subtitles and what not, and managed to get the size of the DVD down to 4,299 MB by setting the video to automatic, dropped it to 98.3%. Anyways, when I hit the backup button it tells me that: DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. There is not enough space on your target drive! The system cannot find the specified path. Ive tried even reducing the quality on the video as well, still get the not enough space on your target drive message. What is the problem? I followed a great helpful guide and did all the steps, but it still isn't working. Thank you for any help.
That error means that you don't have enough room on your HDD for the encoding...you will need an additional 4.3 gigs of room to backup the movie.
between openfiles and backup! theres the analysis option..click that thats what is compressing your movie so you dont have to remove all those extras if you dont want to.
Quick Analysis and Deep Analysis have nothing to do with the what size the output is going to be onto your HDD, has nothing to do with compression or removing menus or extras. When you open a DVD or a file in DVD Shrink the first analysis is called "Quick Analysis". All this does is take a glimpse of your DVD or files and determine the amount of compression that will be needed. After ticking backup, you can select to use "Deep Analysis" as one of DVD Shrink Quality Enhancement features. "Deep Analysis" will go through each scene of the movie and determine the best bitrate to compress the movie at, thus improving the quality of the output.