I dont know if DVDShrink reads VCD format, you can get VCD to DVD by following the guide: How to put VCDs on DVD http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/vcd_to_dvd-r.cfm
Oh, well. Thanks, but the hard part seems to be getting the VCD disc read...maybe an upload button on mediaplayer or somesuch will make some files to play with... It's no biggie!
DVD Shrink will not read the VCD format. Remember the name of the program is [bold]DVD[/bold] Shrink not VCD Shrink. What would be the purpose of shrinking a VCD? It's alread down to 700 MB or below. You would really lose alot of quality compressing it more than that.
I don't really need to SHRINK it, just make backup copies of commercial VCDs. I ended up using Sonic Digital Media, but not without considerable difficulty since the program had been corrupted. The hope was that the extra features on SHRINK could be useful to get rid of trailers, etc., too. Some have dual language tracks, e.g. left audio in English, right audio in Malay...it would be nice to be able to surpress one of them...
You can do what you want but not with a "one step" tool like Shrink. Extract the video from the VCD with VCDGear (free). Demultiplex the audio and video streams. Edit the parts you want and the complie the finished project. Some work involved, but it will give you the desired results.