DVD to DVD-R: Why is this so complicated??

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by jm07, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. jm07

    jm07 Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Im trying to shrink (if necessary) and then burn American Pie 2 to a DVD-R and I've tried so many different products now!

    DVDShrink, CloneDVD and AnyDVD

    DVDShrink doesn't give the option to just burn directly after shrinking, which is a function I need.

    CloneDVD sometimes works but sometimes when I select to just use/burn Main Movie, for some movies it will say that the main movie alone is going to make the quality of the output DVD 15% or less. If I only choose many movie, it really shouldn't fluctuate THAT much in size with different DVDs! (some output 100%!) Also lately with CloneDVD, I have been trying to copy some movies and it will convert it fine and as soon as the burning starts, it will tell me the file size is too big to fit onto a DVD-R. HUH?!

    Lastly AnyDVD, I just got this and I have the little red fox guy in my System Tray, but I can't tell if he's doing anything, and not to mention how do I know???

    All I get is this when I click on it:

    Summary for drive D: (AnyDVD
    Drive (Hardware) Region: 1

    Media is a Data DVD.
    Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite)
    Size of first Layer: 2084112 sectors (4070 MBytes)
    Total size: 4152233 sectors (8109 MBytes)

    Video DVD (or CD) label: AMERICANPIE2_RATED_FULL
    Media is CSS protected!
    Video Standard: NTSC
    Media is locked to region(s): 1!

    RCE protection not found.
    DVD structure appears to be correct.
    Structural copy protection not found.
    Changed firstplay: Jump directly to Title 1!
    Found & removed Autorun from Video DVD!
    Bad sector protection not found.
    Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1!

    My hard drive light isn't blinking or anything so it would seem to me that AnyDVD isn't doing anything.

    If someone could please just help me figure out why so many different DVD's have Main Movies with file sizes changing by the GB, and why cloneDVD can't convert some DVDs, and why AnyDVD doesn't do ANYTHING?

  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    first of all ...... anydvd works in the background and breaks the copy encryption that is on the DVD that stops copying! soooooo the little fox in the system tray already worked on the DVD that is in your drive and it's ready to use CloneDVD2!~ try it now!

    Also different movies will have different compression ratios so some will have 100% quality and some have less! It all depends on the DVD! The ones that the quality is lower than 80% I use a different program that does a better job in keeping the quality high! DVDRebuilder Pro with CCE is an encoder that will break down the video and audio and compress and put back together a better quality DVD than the transoders that will just shrink the dvd to size that will fit onto a DVD-5. Sooooo if your ready look up DVDRebuilder and dive right in..... here ya go:
    good luck.

    also I notice that your AnyDVD is out of date..... upgrade to version
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2006
  3. jm07

    jm07 Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Ok thank you :) So I have AnyDVD running, I put in the DVD, I put in a DVD-R

    Then I should be able to go into cloneDVD and have it just burn the DVD, not copy it to HDD first, right?

    I don't have this option though...
  4. jm07

    jm07 Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Aghhh Im so dumb! I've been using a different CloneDVD by a different company! Ill buy the Slysoft one ASAP and see if it works better... I just assumed that the one that came with my DVD drive was Slysoft :p
  5. jm07

    jm07 Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Ok one last question, I have CloneDVD2 (from Slysoft), but Im just wondering is there any way to have it only burn the Main Movie, not menus or extras?

  6. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    in the opening screen...... it shows..... MOVIE ONLY! bingooooooo you have some great programing now.... anydvd and clonedvd2 are great combination!!! enjoy!
  7. jm07

    jm07 Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Ahhh thank you :p This thread has made me feel especially dumb today :D

    Thanks very much for all the help!
  8. sebread

    sebread Guest

    i dont know why yours is different but my version of shrink allowed me to link it to nero in order to burn
  9. jm07

    jm07 Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Hmm... weird; I'll try it again but CloneDVD+AnyDVD works great so far. Just a quick question to all, whats a good speed to burn to the DVD with CloneDVD?

    I use 4x but if it's safe to go faster, I would like to. Any opinions on burning speeds?
  10. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Right...........Shrink does not burn. It works very well with Nero though. There is a box in Shrink's preferences, under the "File I/O" tab, for "Burn Settings". Check the box that says "Enable Burning With Nero". Of course you must have Nero. :eek:) It works with the Lite versions of Nero too (OEM version is usually bundled with most burners).

    It works with other burning software too, but all I've ever used was Nero, so I'm not sure how to set it for other burning software, to automatically kick in.
    Good luck!

    I burn at 8X all the time, with good results.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2006
  11. sebread

    sebread Guest

    i think you can only link it to nero and dvd2one i think. it says on the file i/o tab. those are the only ones i know of

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