is it possible to use burn a dvd to dvd-r without copying to Hd using dvdshrink+decryptor combo? just strait to dvd-r with only one dvd drive? or should i get 2 drivers? TIA
I do it all the time with Anydvd and nero's recode. I don't know about shrink and decrypter, I'll have to think on that one.
anydvd? it aint free right? we have the nero6 im not sure if it has the recode _X_X_X_X_X_[small]im a newbie![/small]
Recode is in nero ultra 6, anydvd is 39.00. Both have free trials, with nero you have to reload every month. With anydvd you get 30 days, try it, if you don't like it don't buy it. Use rw's til ya get it right.
i'm thinking ya could with shrink/decrypter, altho i've never tried. Anytime I burn on the fly I use recode and anydvd, it's just so easy. Shrink rips, do it in ISO(that's all decrypter can write)uncheck nero as default burner, select decrypter and your burner as destination and pick a temporary folder. This is total speculation on my part, I may look at it tomorrow and see. I'm in the middle of testing the new shrink rite now, so it may be a little while. Of course to burn on the fly you will HAVE to have a drive to read and a drive(burner) to write. Otherwise you have to go to your HD, where else could you put the files? _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHS 832S dual layer[/small]
thanks Bigorange! just gona use the new burner that we just acquired...Lacie dual layer burner(tru usb) and an intenal asus dvd writer...thingking out loud..can i use the dvd decryptor(coz it is copy protected) to burn a dvd movie straight to the "lacie" dvd writer and the "asus" as the player? and can i also shrink(dvdshrink) the dvd if its not copy protected using the same process? thanks again
Hi eddieboy7, What you are talking about is burning dvd's on the fly. It can be done but you need a very fast and powerful computer to do this. The data transfer rate needed for this is very high. Like I said it can be done but not the best way to go. Too many chances of burn errors doing it that way. I think you said one of your drives is USB. That will also cause a bottle neck burning on the fly. You can try it but if it doesn't work your PC may not be up to the task. Jerry
[bold]eddieboy,[/bold] decrypter and shrink both remove the encryption, no need to use both except decrypter to burn. You can rip and compress in shrink. Then I would use nero to burn. It is the default burner for shrink, you don't even have to open the app up. Nero 6 has a free trial every month, you must reload it every month but it is free(til you decide to buy, which i highly recommend). So, you can rip, re-author, and compress, all in shrink. Enable nero to burn and shrink is the only app you have to open. [bold]Jerry[/bold] If I am not going to use re-authoring or compressing I burn on the fly all the time using recode and anydvd. I have 3 burners and 2 drives that are USB 2.0 and one drive is firewire. I do not have a big monster system( just a little Dell 4600) and I never have had a problem. If you are referring to USB 1.1 I would agree, but not 2.0. That said, if I am going to do re-authoring or compressing I always write to the HD 1st. If I use DVDRemake, I have to write to the HD. When doing any of this I walk away and never touch my PC until finished, again, no problems.
As I stated, it can be done, just not the best way to to it. Its always better to go to the HD first if using a slower system. You will get better burns and less chance of errors that way. If it works for you, thats great. Even with USB 2 I wouldn't burn on the fly. But thats just my opinion. Since most dvd's these days are DL you have to rip and compress anyway. Everyone to their own way of doing it. Jerry
Actually DvdReMake does not care what other applications are running. Yes it can slowdown import/export if there are some other disk operations, but other then that... should not make any difference.
Actually my statement referred to the entire burn process, not just remake. Note "when doing ANY of this "...... [bold] When doing any of this I walk away and never touch my PC until finished, again, no problems.[/bold] There's more to my statement than re-authoring in Remake. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHS 832S dual layer[/small]
thank guys, so on the fly burning is out coz we only have a pentium setup :-( anyway heres my dillema...i tried to rip Daredevil first using shrink then a prompt says "copy protected" then i opted to use dvd decrypter and did the job,....but my shrink cant see the file that i ripped...would shrink read the file like a normal dvd disc? which i could just click the features i dont need? as seen in its tutorial site? thanks again
eddie, What mode did you rip in with decrypter? I like to rip in file mode(decrypter can't burn those) and use nero to burn my shrink files. It is the default setting for shrink, you don't even have to open nero up. Just do your thing (compressing, editing, etc.) in shrink and wait to come back to a finished backup.. Shrink will read the files exactly like a disc in the drive.
ic, didnt check wat mode it was...stupid me! i have to rip it on file mode and using shrink to compress it and nero with automatically burn it right?...hmm im really a bummer for this but wat should i press if i would to burn to dvd in shrink? would it retain the same interactive menus even i ommitted some things...hey this site is really cool!..thanks a lot! _X_X_X_X_X_[small]im a newbie![/small]
In shrink, click edit>preferences>fileI/O>enable burning with nero. You can uncheck audio streams and compress more in extras to reduce compression in main movie. Any re-authoring in shrink will lose menu function. Shrink is a good program, but if I am going to re-author I like to use recode in Nero Ultra 6. Works just like shrink, but retains menu function.
eddieboy7, If you open a dvd movie with Shrink and it tells you it is copy protected, try this little trick. It usually works. Start playing the movie for a few seconds with your player software (Windvd, Powerdvd). Once it starts to play, stop the movie and open Shrink and see if the movie decrypts. Shrink sometimes needs a kick in the back side to get started. Actually you are unlocking the drive with the movie playing and Shrink will then continue properly. Jerry