Hello, I have a dvd and i put it in my dvd drive and I want to burn it to another dvd. But The only I know how is it Back UP with DVD Shrink, but I can't find a reason to change it to .iso. I'm just wondering how I can Go from DVD to a Blank dvd without having to back it up. I understand that you always have to put temp files on computer, which is fine. I just dont want to do 2 steps Because i'd have to wait 1 hr to get to the next step. Also I only have 1 drive, it's a DVD ROM and RW thanks
@TAshkar18 Hi Is the dvd you are trying to backup/copy copy protected? Or are your trying to copy a non protected dvd? Which programs do you have - like Nero etc? If you only have one drive to read and write from then you will def. need to store to your hard drive 1st (even temporarily) then insert the blank when the ripping is done.
What's the size of that dvd? Dvd-9 or a Dvd-5? Does it have encryption? There's different ways to speed up the process between both those sizes of original dvds. Dvd shrink will tell you when you look at the compression tab. If it says 100,then no compression at all-so you won't need dvd shrink,only dvd decrypter using Mode ISO read and write. Also works great for dvd-9 backups onto dual layer media. If that number is lower than 100, Example:85,then you'll have a 15% compression. If there's compression,it'll take longer and you'll have to use dvd shrink. But if you got nero6 or higher,then you can set it to autoburn after dvd shrink gets through encoding. No extra step.Copytodvd and dvd decrypter should be able to autoburn as well.
take the dvd movie ye burned and use roxio disk copier to copy on the fly,i do it all the time..use 6 or 7.5 is ok.. note do not use roxio-8 by Sonic,as it a poor program,i did test it..was removed off my system using a back=up ghost image.... Trusted Reviews blasts Roxio 8 'package is fatally flawed' read the article here http://www.trustedreviews.com/article.aspx?art=2857 i did not try it in nero..maybe some one can chime in.. edit for spelling
Yes Nero had the disc copy option in Express & Burning Rom. The burn on the fly option is available w/ if reading and writing on separate drives. Otherwise the option is greyed out. I've used burn on the fly a few times - no issues - I just have to remember to wipe off the finger prints
binkie7 i have a good reason to do that,i have grand-children who eat dvd disks.. i have to remove the candy finger prints and food off the back-up disks and try to get a good copy.
@ireland LOL - My kid is the reason I have to check the discs before copying & she's way old enuf to know better Now - I've learned - if it's a movie she really wants to see I just do a 2nd copy that can be tossed
I have no trouble rip/burn on the fly,but I take precautions. Majority of my otf backups are from already backed up dvds.I make sure those first copies are as error free as possible. I then use nero's disc copy feature and perfect duplicate at 4x in 15 mins.Well over 300+ backups on the fly with 0 coasters. I tried sonic's disc feature,but it took 20 mins for some odd reason.That's the same amount of time using dvd decryper's ISO read and write mode. You need a good reader as well.I had a khypermedia+8x drive in my backup pc that wouldn't allow OTF.Replacing it with a Lite-on 167t-no problemo.My main pc using the HP640c to read also gives me no issues with OTF. I've done OTF using smaller dvd-5 originals onto dvd-5 blanks while enabling anydvd. TAshkar18: You're going to have to get a second drive to be able to rip and burn on the fly.Make sure it's a quality reader.If there's any compression trying to do OTF,then I'm not sure.I use it for a 1:1 copy,no compression.