I know that most of you out here have major bashes on the capabilites of this product which gives you sites for freeware, anyone should know that to copy or burn dvds you use well known programs, not something like this, but my questoin is about the conversion of vhs to dvd, i have never found any freeware that does this, what is it that they offer, and can it get past copyright, cause i want to copy my vhs tapes to dvd, and i am not willing to just trow away all those tapes because there isnt an answer. Does anyone know about the copy vhs ability from dvd wizard pro and/or software/hardware that can break macrovision(copyright for vhs, which are like pin holes in the reel)????? Any help would be appreciated. thx
not sure if this is the right place for that question but i want to know the answer also. i asked it on a thread "vhs to dvd" and was told to email the person but yet to get a response. i think something was wrong with my email yesterday though, nothing at all no viagra,mortgage, extenders,blah blah nothing. if i get a response ill let you know. it was in the capturing video from analog sources. kurt
Thanks id appreciate that, your right this may not be the place, but its worth a try, i mean i cant get contact with anyone who might know how as of yet, so anything that will help. thx again