DVD won't play

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Twinsen, Jun 22, 2003.

  1. Twinsen

    Twinsen Member

    Jun 22, 2003
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    Hello everybody,

    (I'm french, so excuse my english...)

    I have a a Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-R6012 on my PC, and I can't read DVD movies on it anymore.
    This is very odd because it happened without me doing anything, and above all I still can read DVD-ROM, CD-ROM and CD-Audio...
    I usually use WinDVD to play DVDs.

    Note : I can't even see what's on the DVD by launching the explorer, cause nothing appears in the window !

    Note 2 : the little light on the DVD hardware still goes on and off, until it put the disc away...
  2. Tosca

    Tosca Guest

    Hmm interesting.

    Are these backup DVDs or are they originals?

    Sometimes in Power DVD XP backups don't work. You get a black screen and some bits and pieces that you can click on but can't play/view.

    Try an original dvd and if it can read it then its probably your backups.
  3. Twinsen

    Twinsen Member

    Jun 22, 2003
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    No, there are not backups but original DVDs.
    If I run WinDVD to play them, pressing play has no effect : I still get the WinDVD desk and nothing responds...
  4. raymondo

    raymondo Guest

    First thing to try is to delete the drive from system properties and re-install it like you did when it was new. This will work if it is the driver that has been corrupted.

    If not then uninstall WinDVD, restart the computer, then re-install it. This will work if it is WinDVD which has been corrupted.

    If these two things don't work then your drive may be faulty, particularly if you still can't read a disc with explorer.

  5. Twinsen

    Twinsen Member

    Jun 22, 2003
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    I tried with WinDVD and it's still the same.

    I will try to reinstall the driver and so on.

    I hope it's going to work !!!

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